Examples of Levee system in a sentence
Even the best Flood protection system or structure cannot completely eliminate the risk of every Flood event, and when Levee systems fail, the results may be catastrophic and the damage may be more significant than if the Levee system had not been built.
Levee system expansion beyond that now being constructed by the Corp of Engineers to enhance existing levees should be avoided for the protection of wetland and riparian areas that serve as wildlife habitats and natural flood absorbers.
However, within WCA 3B, the ridge and slough landscape has been severely degraded by the virtual elimination of overland sheetflow due to the L-67 Canal and Levee system.
The City of Bettendorf Levee system includes an earthen levee and reinforced concrete flood wall that go through an annual inspection with the USACE.
Human intervention shall only be considered for the operation of closure structures (e.g., gates or stop logs) in a Levee system designed to provide at least 100-Year-Flood protection, including adequate Freeboard as described above, provided that such human operation is specifically included in an emergency response plan adopted by the Community.