Level of Indemnity definition
Examples of Level of Indemnity in a sentence
It is calculated as the moving average based on the past specified years average yield depending on the Crop multiplied by the Level of Indemnity.
Our Level of Indemnity is in excess of the SRA requirement of £3 million.
The value of the Threshold Yield of the Crop shall be calculated as under, Value of Threshold Yield = Threshold Yield x MSP (Minimum Support Price)Where, Threshold Yield = Insured Area x Average Yield x Level of Indemnity 5.
Presently Guaranteed Yield, based on which the indemnities are calculated is moving average yield of preceding three years for rice and wheat and five years for other crops, multiplied by the Level of Indemnity.
The crops for which, MSP is not declared, market price support established by the marketing department / board shall be adopted.In case of Non – Loanee FarmersSum Insured would be equal to the Value of Threshold yield of the insured CropValue of Threshold yield = Notional Threshold Yield x Level of Indemnity x Minimum Support Price (MSP) of the current yearHowever, on payment of additional premium, the Insured farmer can opt for with higher coverage.
Where value of the threshold yield is lower than the loan amount per unit area, the higher of the two is the Sum Insured, where value of Threshold Yield is as defined below.Value of Threshold yield = Notional Threshold Yield x Level of Indemnity x Minimum Support Price (MSP) of the current yearWherever Current year’s MSP is not available, MSP of previous year shall be adopted.