life cycle means all consecutive and/or interlinked stages, including research and development to be carried out, production, trading and its conditions, transport, use and maintenance, throughout the existence of the product or the works or the provision of the service, from raw material acquisition or generation of resources to disposal, clearance and end of service or utilisation;
DEPP means the Authority’s Decision Procedure and Penalties Manual;
Life sciences means science for the examination or understanding of life or life processes, including, but not limited to, all of the following:
Enhanced 911 Service (“E911”) means a telephone communication service which will automatically route a call dialed “9-1-1” to a designated public safety answering point (PSAP) attendant and will provide to the attendant the calling party’s telephone number and, when possible, the address from which the call is being placed and the Emergency Response agencies responsible for the location from which the call was dialed.
System Life means all phases of the system's development, production, or support.
Preschool age child means a child age three through five not yet attending kindergarten. If a child is older than age five and not attending kindergarten or a higher grade, OCCL considers that child in the preschool-age group.
Broadband service means a retail service capable of transmitting data over an access line at a rate greater than 200 kilobits per second.
life policy means a contract in terms of which a person, in return for a premium, undertakes to -
Housing Provider means, with respect to a HOME Development, Local Government, consortia approved by HUD under 24 CFR Part 92, for-profit and Non-Profit Developers, and qualified CHDOs, with demonstrated capacity to construct or rehabilitate affordable housing.
Life insurance means contracts that incorporate mortality risk, including annuity and pure endowment contracts, and as may be specified in the valuation manual.
School-age child means a minor who is at least six years old but younger than 18 years old and who is not emancipated.
Medical cannabis card means the same as that term is defined in Section 26-61a-102.
Electric System Upgrades means any Network Upgrades, Distribution Upgrades, or Interconnection Facilities that are determined to be necessary by the CAISO or Participating Transmission Owner, as applicable, to physically and electrically interconnect the Project to the Participating Transmission Owner’s electric system for receipt of Energy at the Point of Interconnection (as defined in the CAISO Tariff) if connecting to the CAISO Grid, or the Interconnection Point, if connecting to a part of the Participating TO’s electric system that is not part of the CAISO Grid.
Nursing Service Plan means the plan that is developed by the registered nurse based on an Individual’s initial nursing assessment, reassessment, or updates made to a nursing assessment as a result of monitoring visits. The Nursing Service Plan must describe all licensed nursing services the Individual shall receive and be pursuant to the Individual’s Service Plan.
Network Service means a Service provided by means of the Network.
Individualized service plan means a plan prepared by a
Nonparticipating provider means a person, health care provider, practitioner, facility, or entity, acting within their scope of practice, that does not have a written contract to participate in a managed health care system's provider network, but provides health care services to enrollees of programs authorized under this chapter or other applicable law whose health care services are provided by the managed health care system.
Life-sustaining treatment means treatment that, based on reasonable medical judgment, sustains the life of a patient and without which the patient will die. The term includes both life-sustaining medications and artificial life support such as mechanical breathing machines, kidney dialysis treatment, and artificially administered nutrition and hydration. The term does not include the administration of pain management medication, the performance of a medical procedure necessary to provide comfort care, or any other medical care provided to alleviate a patient's pain.
Educational facility means a structure available for use as a dormitory or other housing facility, including housing facilities for students, a dining hall, student union, administration building, academic building, library, laboratory, research facility, classroom, athletic facility, health care facility, and maintenance, storage, or utility facility, and other structures or facilities related thereto or required or useful for the instruction of students or the conducting of research or the operation of an institution for higher education, including parking and other facilities or structures essential or convenient for the orderly conduct of the institution for higher education, and shall include lands and interests in lands and landscaping, site preparation, furniture, equipment, machinery, and other similar items necessary or convenient for the operation of a particular facility or structure in the manner for which its use is intended, and any improvements necessary to a particular facility to make the facility more energy efficient. Educational facility does not include items as books, fuel, supplies, or other items the costs of which are customarily deemed to result in a current operating charge and does not include any facility used or to be used for sectarian instruction or as a place of religious worship, nor a facility which is used or to be used primarily in connection with a part of the program of a school or department of divinity for a religious denomination.
Individual service plan means the written description of services, supports, and activities to be provided to an individual.
Non-Administrator Dialysis Facility means a Dialysis Facility which does not have an agreement with the Claim Administrator or another Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan but has been certified in accordance with the guidelines established by Medicare.
Life Insured means the person named in the Schedule, on whose life the Policy is effected;
Life insurance producer means any person licensed in this state as a resident or nonresident insurance producer who has received qualification or authority for life insurance coverage or a life line of coverage pursuant to chapter 522B.
Cannabis retailer means any licensed person or entity that purchases or otherwise obtains usable cannabis from cannabis cultivators and cannabis items from cannabis manufacturers or cannabis wholesalers, and sells these to consumers from a retail store, and may use a cannabis delivery service or a certified cannabis handler for the off-premises delivery of cannabis items and related supplies to consumers. A cannabis retailer shall also accept consumer purchases to be fulfilled from its retail store that are presented by a cannabis delivery service which will be delivered by the cannabis delivery service to that consumer.
Service Plan means the Operating Plan and Budget appended as Schedules A and D2a of Schedule D;
Formulary means a list of covered prescription drugs provided under this plan. The formulary includes generic, preferred brand name, non-preferred brand name, and specialty prescription drugs.