Limited Life definition
Examples of Limited Life in a sentence
Limited Life: Unlike stocks, derivative warrants have an expiry date and therefore a limited life.
Limited Life items are generally defined as items subject to wear-out that have a limited shelf life, operational life, or cycle life whose life expectancy is less than 2x the required life to assess the risk and /or the mitigation plans for continued use of the item; factoring in the wear caused by atomic oxygen, solar and trapped radiation, shelf-life, extreme temperatures, thermal cycling, and mechanical wear / fatigue, and/or refurbishment/ maintenance plans.
In the worst case the value of the derivative warrants falls to zero and holders lose their entire purchase price.儘管衍生權證(“窩輪”)價格遠低於相關資產價格,但衍生權證(“窩輪”)價格升趺的幅度亦遠較正股為大。在最差的情況下,衍生權證(“窩輪”)價格可趺至零,投資者會損失最初投入的全部資金。 Limited Life 具有效期Unlike stocks, derivative warrants have an expiry date and therefore a limited life.
Prohibition against carrying on business when no members Division 3 Limited Life InternationalCompanies 30A.
If there is evidence for inactivity, dwindling membership, or if any of the Society’s conditions and policies have been contravened by the Research Group, following consultation with the Chair of the Research Group, RHED and the Hon Secretary for Research may make a recommendation to the Research and Higher Education Committee that the Research Group is dissolved (see Section 1.4) Limited Life Working Parties/Groups will be reviewed at the completion of their initial two-year term.
The Research Groups Sub-Committee is intended to be both reactive and proactive with Research Groups and Limited Life Working Parties/Groups in order to enhance the role of both groups in the Society.
There is a full list of all Research Groups and Limited Life Working Parties/Groups on the RGS-IBG website:W This page links directly out to the Research Group’s own website where possible.
Shelf life can be determined by using EPRI Report: NP6408, Guidelines for Establishing, Maintaining and Extending the Shelf Life Capability of Limited Life Items (NCIG-13): Typical Data from EPRI Report: NP6408, App.
It is responsible for: liaison with Research Groups and, when appropriate, providing recommendations for the approval of Limited Life Working Parties/Groups and new Research Groups.
Research Groups and Limited Life Working Parties/Groups are entitled to a start-up payment of approximately£200 to cover their first year of operations.