Lead Agency means the agency facilitating the procurement and establishing the Contract.
local road means a sealed or unsealed road for which the council is the responsible road authority under the Road Management Act 2004
the Agency means the Environment Agency;
Local education agency means: a public authority legally constituted by the state as an administrative agency to provide control of and direction for Kindergarten through Twelfth (12th) grade public educational institutions.
Local agency means a city, county, or city and county, whether general law or chartered.
System Agency means HHSC or any of the agencies of the State of Texas that are overseen by HHSC under authority granted under state law and the officers, employees, authorized representatives, and designees of those agencies. These agencies include: HHSC and the Department of State Health Services.
Federal agency means any department, agency, or other instrumentality of the Federal Government, any independent agency or establishment of the Federal Government including any Government corporation, and the Government Printing Office.
Private agency means any person, partnership, corporation,
Cooperating agency means any Federal agency other than a lead agency which has jurisdiction by law or special expertise with respect to any environmental impact involved in a proposal (or a reasonable alternative) for legislation or other major Federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment. The selection and responsibilities of a cooperating agency are described in Sec. 1501.6. A State or local agency of similar qualifications or, when the effects are on a reservation, an Indian Tribe, may by agreement with the lead agency become a cooperating agency.
State agency means any of the principal departments in the Executive Branch of the State Government, and any division, board, bureau, office, commission or other instrumentality within or created by such department, the Legislature of the State and any office, board, bureau or commission within or created by the Legislative Branch, and any independent State authority, commission, instrumentality or agency.