Examples of Long-Term Debt in a sentence
Long-Term Debt – Long-term debt is recognized as a liability of a governmental fund when due, or when resources have been accumulated in the debt service fund for payment early in the following year.
General Long-Term Debt Account Group – This account group is established to account for all the long-term debt of the District, which is offset by the amount available in the debt service fund and the amount to be provided in future years to complete retirement of the debt principal.
In respect of long-term securities or instruments (where the maturity date of the security or instrument is equal to or greater than one year), Counterparties must have a designated rating for Long-Term Debt no lower than (a) DBRS - “A”;(b) Fitch - “A”; (c) Moody’s - “A2”; and (d) S&P - “A”.
In respect of long-term securities or instruments (where the maturity date of the security or instrument is equal to or greater than one year), Forward Counterparties must have a designated rating for Long-Term Debt no lower than (a) DBRS- “A”; (b) Fitch - “A”; (c) Moody’s - “A2”; and (d) S&P - “A”.
General Long-Term Debt Account Group - This account group was established to account for all long-term debt of the District, which is offset by the amount available in the debt service fund and the amount to be provided in future years to complete retirement of the debt principal.