Managed Domain definition

Managed Domain refers to an Active Directory domain that is provisioned and managed by Azure Active Directory Domain Services. "Maximum Available Minutes" is the total number of minutes that a given Managed Domain has been deployed by Customer in Microsoft Azure during a billing month in a given Microsoft Azure subscription.
Managed Domain refers to an Active Directory domain that is provisioned and managed by Microsoft Entra Domain Services.
Managed Domain refers to an Active Directory domain that is provisioned and managed by Azure Active Directory Domain Services.

Examples of Managed Domain in a sentence

  • In the event that a Zoom account is created or exists on the reserved domain, but is not authorized by the Managed Domain Customer (the “Non-Managed Domain Account”), the person using or creating such Non-Managed Domain Account will be notified that the domain is reserved for the Managed Domain Customer and will be requested to change the domain associated with the Non-Managed Domain Account.

  • If the person using or creating such Non-Managed Domain Account does not change the domain within the period specified, that person will be deemed to have consented to the Non-Managed Domain Account being added to the Managed Domain Customer and to have further consented for all data associated with the Non-Managed Domain Account to be shared with the Managed Domain Customer.

  • A minute is considered unavailable if all requests for domain authentication of user accounts belonging to the Managed Domain, LDAP bind to the root DSE, or DNS lookup of records, made from within the virtual network where the Managed Domain is enabled, either return an Error Code or fail to return a Success Code within 30 seconds.

  • Managed Domain Name Service (DNS) (continued) PROSPECT OF THE GROUP The financial year 2015 was a steady year for the Group.

  • Administrators must create a configuration profile for each Information Assurance (IA) control category (e.g., Passcode Policy, Restrictions, Managed Domain Configuration, email, Wi-Fi, VPN, etc.), rather than a single profile containing all potential settings.

  • The Managed Domain can refer to all those cyber-physical environments identified in the WP5 verticals addressed as part of the demonstrators, such as healthcare, supply-chain, financial or smart-cities.The User Domain includes tools and services for privacy-preserving management and helps security and privacy configurations and decisions.

  • Access Rule OpA… OpZ Permitted Operations… 09.00-17.00ConstraintsManager Domain Managed Domain Figure 3.2 Access RulesObjects in a subdomain, by default, ‘inherit’ the access rules applying to direct and indirect parents.

  • In the event that a Zoom account is created or exists on the reserved domain, but is not authorized by the Managed Domain Customer (the “Non- Managed Domain Account”), the person using or creating such Non-Managed Domain Account will be notified that the domain is reserved for the Managed Domain Customer and will be requested to change the domain associated with the Non-Managed Domain Account.

  • If the person using or creating such Non- Managed Domain Account does not change the domain within the period specified, that person will be deemed to have consented to the Non-Managed Domain Account being added to the Managed Domain Customer and to have further consented for all data associated with the Non-Managed Domain Account to be shared with the Managed Domain Customer.

  • Partner trust will be required to trust the State Managed Domain.

Related to Managed Domain

  • Managed care organization means an entity that (1) is under contract with the department to provide services to Medicaid recipients and (2) meets the definition of “health maintenance organization” as defined in Iowa Code section 514B.1.

  • Internet Service Provider (ISP) is an Enhanced Service Provider that provides Internet Services, and is defined in paragraph 341 of the FCC’s First Report and Order in CC Docket No. 97-158.