Examples of Mandatory supervision in a sentence
Mandatory supervision (MS) was first implemented for offenses occurring on or after August 31, 1977.
Mandatory supervision means forcing a person sentenced to imprisonment to reside, work and live within a defined area under the supervision of the local authority and local people.
Mandatory supervision ratios are also listed in the Physical Education Safety Standards, Wilderness Canoe Tripping and Overnight Backpacking Standards and must be adhered to for these types of activities.
Mandatory supervision applies when one’s flat time (day for day time) plus good time earned equal the whole of one’s sentence.
Mandatory supervision sessions on version control were arranged at the beginning of the course in order to encourage all the students to use the distributed version control system Git for the group assignment.
Biomedical Research with and without therapeutic benefit 🡪 Mandatory supervision of a physician (MD) with an appropriate experience.
Mandatory supervision means forcing a person sentenced to imprisonment to reside, work, and live within a defined area under the supervision of the local authority and local people.
Populations 2015 New Cases FY 2015The Case Starts FY 2015 table shows the number of new probation cases that started each fiscal year from 2013 through 2015, by probation type (Post release community supervision, Mandatory supervision, and Probation- felony and misdemeanor).
Mandatory supervision andPRCS are not “parole” as the term is used in California law, and the Secretary points to no ambiguity in the term.
Mandatory supervision sessions will ordinarily last a minimum of 1.5 hours and a maximum of 2 hours.