Mass Hub definition
Examples of Mass Hub in a sentence
Between recalculations, CONE and Net CONE will be adjusted for each Forward Capacity Auction pursuant to Section III.A.21.1.2(e), except that the energy and ancillary services offset will be adjusted using publicly available data for Mass Hub On-Peak electricity futures through the commitment period of the FCA and will not be adjusted based on natural gas prices.
The Mass Hub price index is a key indicator for any electricity imports or exports that NB Power purchases or sells in the wholesale market.
Outside of the organized ISO/RTO markets, the bilateral markets rely on published indices (such as Megawatt Daily’s Mass Hub, PJM West, NY Zone- G, Into Cinergy, Into Entergy, etc.) for settlements.reporting standards to facilitate regulatory certainty.Price Index CriteriaComments at the April 24 conference show that the industry is working on criteria for various aspects of reporting and processing trade data and producing better price indices.
Chapter 959ISO New England Mass Hub Day-Ahead Off-Peak Calendar-Day 2.5 5 MW Futures 959102.B. Trading UnitThe contract quantity shall be 2.5 5 Megawatt hours (MWh).
According to TGP, the NED project will provide enhanced delivery of firm gas supplies to between 3,900 MW to 4,500 MW of existing generation on the coldest winter days and potentially large quantities of future gas generation in and around the Mass Hub area where new generation would most conveniently be located to ensure reliability in the regional power market.53 This future gas generation would replace some of the 8,300 MW of existing nuclear, oil and coal generation expected to retire by 2020.
The contract shall expire on the second to last Friday of the month prior to the first underlying ISO New England Mass Hub Day-Ahead Peak Calendar-Month 2.5 MW Futures (NI) ISO New England Mass Hub 5 MW Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP Futures (U6) contract.
In the portfolio optimization model, this forward curve is set to a mean (expected outcome); then, by modeling the historical periodic movement of LMP at the Mass Hub and the Vermont nodal basis, the model produces 1000’s of simulations of LMP at the Vermont Load Zone.
The applicable data set codes and descriptions are NI—ISO New England Mass Hub Day-Ahead Peak Calendar-Month 2.5 MW Futures and KI—ISO New England Mass Hub Off-Peak LMP Futures.
A call option traded on the Exchange represents an option to assume, at the strike price, one (1) long contract per peak day of the underlying ISO New England Mass Hub 5 MW Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead LMP Futures (U6) contract in each month of the twelve consecutive months beginning with the underlying January month.
Furthermore, a sensitivity analysis was completed to explore the impact to NB Power if the short-term changes resulting from the COVID-19 global pandemic were to persist in the long term and is included in Section 13.5 (COVID-19 Scenario).The electricity market prices shown in Figure 7 are Massachusetts Hub (Mass Hub) prices.