Examples of Mass loading in a sentence
Mass loading limitations established in NPDES permits must be consistent with both the WLA and assumed effluent flows used in establishing the TMDL.
VII.2.1 Yodo River system, Japan 111VII.2.2 Singapore 113VII.2.3 Mass loading estimation 114VII.3 Mass behavior in Yodo River system 114VII.3.1 Concentrations 114VII.3.1.1 Distribution of concentrations 114VII.3.1.2 Stability of concentration along the width of Yodo River 115VII.3.2 Flow rate contribution in Yodo River 116VII.3.3 Mass fluxes analysis in Yodo River 116VII.3.3.1 Pathways of PFOS and PFOA to Yodo River 118VII.3.3.2 Contribution from WWTP discharges to Katsura R.
Mass loading and episodic variation of molecular markers in PM 2.5 aerosols over a rural area in eastern central India.
Mass loading factors observed at high redshift generally refer to massive objects (M⋆ > 1010 M⊙), and turn out to be between 0.5 and 2 (Newman et al., 2012; Martin et al., 2012).
Mueller-Wodard, Titan interaction with Saturn’s magnetosphere: Mass loading and ionopause location, Titan Symposium at ESTEC, J.
Mass loading limitations included in this permit at Outfall 0PD00014001 are based on the facility's normal operating capacity of 6 MGD.
Mass loading limitations included in this permit at Outfall 3IN00000001 are based on the facility's normal operating capacity of 1.0 MGD.
Mass loading effects were also considered by placing on the arch spandrels two lime bags of 25 kg each (corresponding to about 50% of the structure’s weight) before proceeding with the static tests.After each displacement stage, dynamic identification tests were performed to fully characterize the modal response of the system and to follow its stiffness degradation with increasing structural damage.
Mass loading effluent limits for average monthly and average weekly BOD and TSS are also included in the draft permit.
Mass loading effluent limits for average monthly and average weekly BOD5, BOD and TSS are found by multiplying the allowable effluent concentration in mg/l by the design flow in MGD and converting to units of pounds per day.