Measured Entity definition

Measured Entity means an Enterprise as well as any organ of state or public entity subject to measurement under Codes;
Measured Entity means an Entity or Enterprise as well as an organ of state or public entity subject to measurement under the Codes;
Measured Entity means an entity relied upon by the Seller to evidence any one or more of the Economic Development Obligations in terms of this Schedule 7 (Economic Development Obligations);

Examples of Measured Entity in a sentence

  • A Measured Entity that does not provide evidence or documentation supporting any initiative must not receive any recognition for that initiative.

  • B is the value of all Qualifying Socio-Economic Contributions of the Measured Entity relevant to that indicator that have become payable during the Measurement Period.

  • A = B × D CWhere A is the score achieved for the Enterprise and Supplier Development indicators (paragraph 2.2; 2.3.1; 2.3.2; 2.3.3; and the bonus point indicators 2.4.3 and 2.4.4) in respect of Qualifying Enterprise or Supplier Development Contributions made by the Measured Entity.

  • B in the case of 2.2 and 2.3.1 is the annual value of all Qualifying Enterprise or Supplier Development Contributions, whichever the case may be, that have become payable by the Measured Entity during the Measurement Period.

  • The Measured Entity must spend at least 60% of the Supplier Development contributions on their own Supplier Development beneficiaries (Tier 1 suppliers).b.

More Definitions of Measured Entity

Measured Entity means the organisation / entity applying for verification as indicated on the cover page of this Agreement;
Measured Entity means an entity relied upon by the Seller to evidence any one or more of the Economic Development Obligations in terms of this Schedule 2 (Economic Development Obligations);
Measured Entity means the business applying for a verification or assessment service from Xcelerate, and who has accepted this Agreement by initialling each page and signing on the last page of this document.
Measured Entity means a Enterprise as well as organ of state or public entity to measurement under the Codes;
Measured Entity means the entity applying for rating being Company Registration Number: Physical Address:
Measured Entity means an enterprise, including an organ of state or a public entity, subject to measurement under this Charter.
Measured Entity means the business applying for a verification service from BEE SOLUTIONS, and who has accepted this Agreement by initialling each page and signing on the last page of this document.