Examples of Measurement category in a sentence
Service to Stakeholders:There are eight metrics under the Service to Stakeholders Performance Measurement category.
Measurement category Impairment of financial assetsAASB 9 replaces the ‘incurred loss’ model in AASB 139 with an ‘expected credit loss’ model.
These activities help the SMA and stakeholders in conducting data entry.▪ The Performance Measurement category focuses on the ability of AHCA’s systems to collect and report program performance data based on user-defined criteria.▪ The Security and Privacy category of the Roadmap Notes includes the activities that enhance the ability of the Agency to maintain secure access to information.
Service to Stakeholders:There are ten metrics under the Service to Stakeholders Performance Measurement category.
Measurement category 31 December 2007€ millionLoans andreceivablesOther financial instrumentsHeld-for- tradingAvailable- for-sale portfolioOther financial iabilitiesOtherTotaNet interest incomeInterest income374.48.5 65.5 448.4Interest expenses -338.4 -338.4Net fee incomeFee income4.5 616.2620.7Fee expenses-0.3 -302.3-302.6Net trading income 100.
Measurement category under MFRS 139MFRS 9 Debt instrumentsLoans andat amortisedreceivablescostRMRMGroup Trade and other receivables74,766,82974,766,829Cash and bank balances55,569,45155,569,451Company Trade and other receivables208,788,850208,788,850Cash and bank balances55,60655,606 ii.
Similarly, the Evaluation Measurement category types A through D are mutually exclusive, whereas category types E and F are not.
The following table analyses the impact of changes on the Group’s financial assets: Measurement category Carrying Effect CarryingIAS 39 IFRS 9value per Remeasurement Reclassification value per IAS 39(closingECLOtherMandatoryVoluntaryIFRS 9(openingbalance at balance at31 December 1 January2017) 2018) 2.
IFRS 9 Financial instruments continued Company Measurement category Carrying amount (R million) The financial assets have been reclassified from loans and receivables to amortised cost.
In the case of available-for-sale financial instruments, a significant and prolonged decline in the value of the instrument is considered to determine whether impairment has arisen.The Company has made the following classification of its financial instruments: Measurement category under IAS 39:• Cash: Held-for-trading• Accounts receivable: Loans and receivables• Accounts payable and accrued liabilities: Other financial liabilities □ Amounts due to related parties: Other financial liabilities.