Minimum Capital Requirement definition

Minimum Capital Requirement means the Minimum Capital Requirement, the minimum group Solvency Capital Requirement or other minimum capital requirements (as applicable) referred to in the Relevant Rules;
Minimum Capital Requirement means the Minimum Capital Requirement of the Issuer, the minimum consolidated group Solvency Capital Requirement or other minimum capital requirements relating to the Issuer or the Insurance Group (as applicable) referred to in the Relevant Rules;
Minimum Capital Requirement means, when method 1 is applied, the consolidated group Solvency Capital Requirement as referred to in article 230(2) of the Solvency II Directive or, in the case a combination of method 1 and 2 is used, the minimum consolidated group Solvency Capital Requirement as referred to in article 341 of the Solvency II Delegated Regulation (or any equivalent terminology employed by the then applicable Capital Adequacy Regulations);

Examples of Minimum Capital Requirement in a sentence

  • The Company is a broker-dealer subject to the SEC Uniform Net Capital Rule (Rule 15c3-1) and is a futures commission merchant subject to the CFTC Minimum Capital Requirement (Regulation 1.17).

  • An insurance undertaking is required, in the case provided for in subsection (8) of this section, to explain the reasons for the result received in the calculation of the Minimum Capital Requirement.

  • The Company calculates its SCR using the standard formula specified in detail in the Solvency II legislation.The absolute minimum level of capital required under Solvency II is the Minimum Capital Requirement (MCR).

  • This is achieved through a prudent management of the own funds on a continuous basis.Quality of own funds is continuously monitored to ensure that sufficient eligible own funds are maintained at all times to cover the Solvency Capital Requirement and Minimum Capital Requirement (“MCR”).

  • Member States shall ensure that insurance or reinsurance undertakings that meet the conditions laid down in Article 19(1), points (a) and (b), but not the condition laid down in Article 19(1), point (c), and that meet the Minimum Capital Requirement laid down in Title I, Chapter VI, Section 5, of Directive 2009/138/EC, are wound up in an orderly manner in accordance with normal insolvency proceedings which ensure an orderly exit from the market.

More Definitions of Minimum Capital Requirement

Minimum Capital Requirement means the minimum Solvency Capital Requirement applicable to the Solvency II Group, and/or the Issuer and/or the Issuer's Group (as appropriate), in each case whether on a solo, group or consolidated basis, referred to in, or any other minimum capital requirement howsoever described in, Solvency II or the Relevant Rules.
Minimum Capital Requirement means the Minimum Capital Requirement or the minimum group Solvency Capital Requirement (as applicable) or any other minimum capital requirement, group minimum capital requirement or other equivalent capital requirement howsoever described in the Relevant Rules;
Minimum Capital Requirement means the Minimum Capital Requirement of the Issuer or the Humanis Prudential Group (as applicable) referred to in the Solvency II Directive and the Solvency II Regulations.
Minimum Capital Requirement means the Minimum Capital Requirement or the group Minimum Capital Requirement or the group minimum Solvency Capital Requirement (as applicable) referred to in, or any other minimum capital requirement howsoever described in, the Relevant Rules, in each case as may be applicable to the Issuer and/or the Insurance Group (whether on a solo, group or consolidated basis);
Minimum Capital Requirement means the minimum capital that an insurer must maintain in order to operate in accordance with the Law as set out in Schedule 1;
Minimum Capital Requirement means such capital that is required to be held by a captive insurer calculated in accordance with these rules;
Minimum Capital Requirement or “MCR” means the minimum capital requirement (or, if different, whatever terminology is employed by the then Applicable Supervisory Regulations) and (i) the minimum consolidated group solvency capital requirement, or (ii) any applicable successor trigger metric, all as defined in and, in accordance with, the Applicable Supervisory Regulations.