Examples of Miscellaneous Service in a sentence
The charge will be computed on the delinquent balance owing at the time of preparing the subsequent month’s bill at the late-payment rate specified in the Miscellaneous Service Charges Schedule.
Rule 9: Service Connection Charge (OAR 860-036-1300(3)) An applicant requesting permanent water service to a premise not previously supplied with permanent service by the Utility may be required to pay the cost of the service connection, including or excluding the meter as provided in Rule No. 8 and the Utility’s Miscellaneous Service Charges in this tariff.
The Miscellaneous Service Order Charge is an administrative charge designed to compensate for the expenses associated with service order issuance.
Rule 22: Returned Payment Charge The Returned Payment Charge listed on the Miscellaneous Service Charges Schedule shall be billed for each occasion a customer submits any type of noncash payment (check, debit, electronic, etc.) that is not honored, for any reason, by a bank or other financial institution.
If a customer requests a meter test more often than once in any 12-month period, and the test results indicate that the meter is registering within the two percent performance standard, the customer may be assessed a reasonable charge for the test if the charge is included in the Miscellaneous Service Charges Schedule.
Miscellaneous Service Order Charge: (Continued) The charge does not apply to the following services since there would exist a pending service order.
The late-payment charge determined by the Commission and listed on the Miscellaneous Service Charges Schedule shall be applied to all overdue balances at the time of preparing the subsequent months’ bill or balances owing that are 30 days old.
The reconnection charge listed on the Miscellaneous Service Charges Schedule will be applicable at the time of reconnection.
Revenue Credits" are those revenues, if any, that are (i) properly recorded in Account 451 (Miscellaneous Service Revenues), Account 453 (Sales of Water and Water Power), Account 454 (Rent From Electric Property), Account 455 (Interdepartmental Sales), and Account 456 (Other Electric Revenues), and (ii) directly related to, or reasonably allocable to, the Subject Resource.
An invoice to the Retailer for Miscellaneous Service will set out the following information with: (a) the total amount due from the Retailer for Miscellaneous Service provided by FortisAlberta to the Retailer; (b) any other information required to be provided by FortisAlberta to the Retailer on an invoice pursuant to the Act and Regulations.