Mobile Communications Service definition

Mobile Communications Service means a Public Electronic Communications Service consisting in the conveyance of Signals by means of a Public Electronic Communications Network through the agency of Wireless Telegraphy to or from Apparatus which is designed or adapted to be capable of being used in motion;
Mobile Communications Service means commercial
Mobile Communications Service means any Publicly Available Telephone Service consisting in the conveyance of Signals by means of a Public Telephone Network where every Signal that has been conveyed thereby has been, or is to be, conveyed through the agency of Wireless Telegraphy to or from a Public Telephone Network which is designed or adapted to be capable of being used in motion;

Examples of Mobile Communications Service in a sentence

  • C7.29 to C7.32 apply to any Communications Provider which provides a Mobile Communications Service, from whom a Mobile Switching Customer on a Business Mobile Tariff is, or is considering, transferring; (iii) Condition C7.37 applies to any Communications Provider which provides a Mobile Communications Service, to whom a Mobile Switching Customer is, or is considering, transferring; and (iii) Conditions C7.38 to C7.44 apply to any Communications Provider which provides aMobile Communications Service.

  • GTE Mobile Communications Service Corporation assigned its interest in the Agreement to GTE Wireless Incorporated ("GTEW"), an affiliate of GTEMC, as of January 1, 1998.

  • The application of best available techniques for chemicals, as listed in Annex C of the Stockholm Convention, is also expected to result in numerous co-benefits.

  • Based on a request for type approval from an applicant Mobile Communications Service Provider (MCSP), BFAR will conduct a thorough evaluation and then issue a statement to accept or deny the type approval application of an MCSP.

  • Available at: The resolution establishes that the National Entity for Communication (Ente Nacional de Comunicaciones, ENACOM) has to adopt the necessary measures “to identify all users of the Mobile Communications Service of the country in a Registry of Users of the Mobile Communications Service”.

More Definitions of Mobile Communications Service

Mobile Communications Service means any Public Electronic Communications Service70 consisting in the conveyance of Signals by means of a Public Communications Network where every Signal that has been conveyed thereby has been, or is to be, conveyed through the agency of Wireless Telegraphy to or from a Public Communications Network which is designed or adapted to be capable of being used in motion;
Mobile Communications Service means a wireless-based Telecommunications Service where the Terminal Equipment may be connected to the Telecommunications System by wireless means and used while in motion.
Mobile Communications Service means a publicly available electronic communications service that is provided by an undertaking wholly or mainly by means of a mobile terrestrial network;
Mobile Communications Service means commercial mobile radio service, as defined in 47 C.F.R. s. 20.3 as in effect on June 1, 1999. The term does not include air-ground radiotelephone service as defined in 47 C.F.R. s. 22.99 as in effect on June 1, 1999.
Mobile Communications Service means a wireless based telecommunication service where the terminal equipment may be connected to the telecommunication system by wireless means and used while in motion;
Mobile Communications Service means any one-way
Mobile Communications Service means a wireless-based telecommunication service where the terminal equipment may be