Examples of NERC Interchange Distribution Calculator in a sentence
Day 1, Monday 28 October 20029.00-10.00 OPENING SESSION:Opening:Ambassador Francisco Seixas da Costa, Chairman of the Permanent Council Key-note speeches:Ambassador Kai Eide, Head of the Norwegian Delegation to NATOMr Richard Monk, Senior Police Adviser and Director of the OSCE Strategic Police Matters UnitTechnical information by the OSCE/ODIHR10.00-10.
If Tagged, the Max MW may not exceed the Tag value, including the curtailment limit adjusted by the NERC Interchange Distribution Calculator (IDC).
To determine the curtailment level of a Non-Dispatchable Resource, SPP will include the unscheduled portion of the output of Non-Dispatchable Resources in the CAT curtailment calculations and assign a pro rata relief obligation in a manner comparable to the obligations assigned to other impacting resources calculated by the CAT and NERC Interchange Distribution Calculator (“IDC”).
The objective of Buy-Through of Congestion is to (a) identify the sources of loop flow caused by Balancing Authority to Balancing Authority schedules via the NERC Interchange Distribution Calculator (IDC) tools, (b) determine the costs incurred in supporting the loop flows via each impacted regions locational marginal prices, and (c) allocate those costs to the transacting parties or curtail the associated schedules if the scheduling entity does not want to pay the full cost of flowing its transaction(s).
K:\SPP\QF Research PRR 211\PRR-211 transmittal 6-3-11.doc1.1 Definitions N NERC Interchange Distribution Calculator (NERC IDC)The mechanism used by Reliability Coordinators in the Eastern Interconnection to calculate the distribution of interchange transactions over specific flowgates.
Note that for the two-year means, adiabatic SEVIRI LWPs (green dashed line, triangles) had larger and negative biases than standard SEVIRI retrievals.
The bus branch models for each season are derived from the Model on Demand (“MOD”) system for the Study horizon and the NERC Interchange Distribution Calculator (“IDC”) seasonal model for the Operating, and Planning horizons.
Section 4.3 provides that when congestion occurs on a flowgate that requires a TLR event, the NERC Interchange Distribution Calculator (IDC) will prescribe curtailments for physical schedules and market flows.98 To achieve the required reduction in market flows, SPP states that it will first redispatch resources that have been offered into the imbalance market to resolve the problem.
The NERC Interchange Distribution Calculator (“IDC”) Working Group is currently tasked with defining the necessary data reporting requirements and developing with Open Access Technologies, Inc.