New GO Bonds Legislation definition

New GO Bonds Legislation means legislation to be enacted on or prior to the Effective Date authorizing the transactions contemplated by, and consistent with the Plan, including, without limitation, legislation authorizing the issuance of the New GO Bonds, and
New GO Bonds Legislation means legislation to be enacted on or prior to the Effective Date authorizing the transactions contemplated by, and consistent with the Plan, including, without limitation, legislation authorizing the issuance of the New GO Bonds, and the Debt Responsibility Act.

Examples of New GO Bonds Legislation in a sentence

  • Determine that, pursuant to the New GO Bonds Legislation and other applicable law, upon deposit of monies in the Debt Service Fund, there shall be statutory first liens on such monies for the purposes of securing payment of the New GO Bonds, which statutory first liens on such monies shall remain in full force and effect until the New GO Bonds have been paid or satisfied in full in accordance with their terms;.

  • Collectively, GO CVIs and the Clawback CVIs. 1.158 CVI Indenture: Collectively, the GO CVI Indenture and the Clawback 1.159 CVI Legislation: The legislation to be enacted on or prior to the EffectiveDate authorizing certain transactions contemplated by, and consistent with, the Plan, including, without limitation, legislation authorizing the issuance of the GO CVIs and the Clawback CVIs, which legislation may be part of, or included in, the New GO Bonds Legislation.

  • The large quantities of “HCB wastes” and associated PeCB content arising from solvent production also brings into question a previous estimates of PeCB releases which were suggested to be just 1.3 kg for global tetrachloroethene use in 2000[16].

  • The New GO Bonds will be dated as of, and will accrue or accrete interest from, the earlier of (i) July 1, 2021 and (ii) the Effective Date.The New GO Bonds will be issued pursuant to the New GO Bonds Indenture and New GO Bonds Legislation.

Related to New GO Bonds Legislation

  • securities legislation means statutes concerning the regulation of securities markets and trading in securities and the regulations, rules, forms and schedules under those statutes, all as amended from time to time, and the blanket rulings and orders, as amended from time to time, issued by the securities commissions or similar regulatory authorities appointed under or pursuant to those statutes; “Canadian securities legislation” means the securities legislation in any province or territory of Canada and includes the Securities Act (British Columbia); and “U.S. securities legislation” means the securities legislation in the federal jurisdiction of the United States and in any state of the United States and includes the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and

  • NICs Legislation means the Social Security (Categorisation of Earners) Regulations 1978;

  • primary legislation means an Act, Act of the Scottish Parliament or Act or Measure of the National Assembly for Wales;

  • FOI Legislation means the Freedom of Information Xxx 0000, all regulations made under it and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 and any amendment or re-enactment of any of them; and any guidance issued by the Information Commissioner, the Department for Constitutional Affairs, or the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (including in each case its successors or assigns) in relation to such legislation;

  • customs legislation means any legal or regulatory provisions applicable in the territories of the Parties, governing the import, export and transit of goods and their placing under any other customs regime or procedure, including measures of prohibition, restriction and control;

  • GST legislations means ‘any or all of the following legislations as may be applicable to the CONTRACTOR and OIL:

  • GST Legislation means A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Xxx 0000 (Cth) and any related tax imposition act (whether imposing tax as a duty of customs excise or otherwise) and includes any legislation which is enacted to validate recapture or recoup the tax imposed by any of such acts.

  • Canadian securities legislation means the applicable securities legislation in force in each province and territory of Canada, all regulations, rules, orders and policies made thereunder and all multilateral and national instruments adopted by the securities regulatory authorities.

  • Enabling Legislation means the CCA;

  • Tax Legislation means any statute, statutory instrument, enactment, law, by-law, directive, decree, ordinance, regulation or legislative provision or generally applicable ruling (such as a revenue ruling issued by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service) enacted, issued or adopted providing for, imposing or relating to Tax; and

  • Information Legislation means the Freedom of Information Act 2000, the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 and the Data Protection Act 1998 and any other subordinate legislation or Codes of Practice in relation to such legislation.

  • Protection Legislation means (i) the GDPR; (ii) the Data Protection Act 2018 to the extent that it relates to the processing of Personal Data and privacy; and (iii) all applicable Law relating to the processing of Personal Data and privacy, including where applicable the guidance and codes of practice issued by the Information Commissioner, in each case as amended, supplemented or substituted from time to time; Domestic Successor means, as the context requires, either:

  • Equality Legislation means any and all legislation, applicable guidance and statutory codes of practice relating to diversity, equality, non-discrimination and human rights as may be in force from time to time in England and Wales or in any other territory in which, or in respect of which, the Supplier provides the Services;

  • Trust Indenture Legislation means, at any time, the provisions of (i) any applicable statute of Canada or any province or territory thereof and the regulations thereunder as amended or re-enacted from time to time, but only to the extent applicable, or (iii) the Trust Indenture Act and regulations thereunder, but only to the extent applicable, in each case relating to trust indentures and to the rights, duties and obligations of trustees under trust indentures and of corporations issuing debt obligations under trust indentures, to the extent that such provisions are at such time in force.

  • provincial legislation means legislation contemplated in section 10 of the Act promulgated by the Province;

  • subordinate legislation means any regulation, rule, order, rule of court, resolution, scheme, byelaw or other instrument made under any enactment and having legislative effect,

  • Data Protection Legislation means the Data Protection Act 1998 and all applicable laws and regulations relating to processing of personal data and privacy, including where applicable the guidance and codes of practice issued by the Information Commissioner or relevant Government department in relation to such legislation;

  • UK Data Protection Legislation means all applicable data protection and privacy legislation in force from time to time in the UK including the UK GDPR; the Data Protection Act 2018; the Privacy and Electronic Communications Directive 2002/58/EC (as updated by Directive 2009/136/EC) and the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003 (SI 2003/2426) as amended.

  • previous planning legislation means any planning legislation that is repealed by the Act or the provincial legislation;

  • Applicable Securities Legislation means applicable securities laws (including rules, regulations, policies and instruments) in each of the applicable provinces and territories of Canada;

  • Bail-In Legislation means, with respect to any EEA Member Country implementing Article 55 of Directive 2014/59/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Union, the implementing law for such EEA Member Country from time to time which is described in the EU Bail-In Legislation Schedule.

  • AML Legislation has the meaning assigned to such term in Section 9.16(a).

  • Relevant Legislation means Legislation in force in any jurisdiction where any part of the Activity may be carried out;

  • Bribery Legislation means the Bribery Act 2010 and any subordinate legislation made under it from time to time together with any guidance or codes of practice issued by the government concerning the legislation;

  • Environmental Legislation means any laws, statutes, regulations, orders, bylaws, permits or lawful requirements of any governmental authority with respect to environmental protection;

  • Union harmonisation legislation means any Union legislation harmonising the conditions for the marketing of products;