Examples of Nimiq 1 in a sentence
Telesat received approval from Industry Canada to relocate this satellite to the orbital slots currently occupied by Nimiq 1 or Nimiq 2.
There are a number of issues related to NSR and the RECLAIM transition.
Telesat’s Nimiq 1 and Nimiq 2 satellites are primarily used to provide short-term services to other operators who use the satellites at their designated orbital locations to preserve their spectrum rights.
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On the basis of these valuation results, the spectrum used by a satellite such as Nimiq 1 with 32 Ku-band transponders and 1,000 MHz of licensed Ku-band spectrum would have an estimated annualized marketvalue of $3.87 million based on the pre-merger asset value or $454,000 based on the December 2009 asset value.
In addition, Telesat leases other technical facilities that provide customers with a host of teleport and hub services.Telesat’s North American focused fleet is comprised of three FSS satellites (Anik F1R, Anik F2 and Anik F3), plus the Canadian beams on ViaSat-1 and four direct broadcast services (“DBS”) satellites (Nimiq 1, Nimiq 2, Nimiq 4 and Nimiq 5).
Pegasus Development Corporation, Consolidated Application for Authority to Operate oneU.S. Transmit/Receive Fixed Earth Station (Call Sign E010320) and 1,000,000 Receive-Only Earth Stations (Call Sign E020022) with the Canadian-Licensed Nimiq 1 and Nimiq 2 Satellites to Offer Direct Broadcast Satellite Service Throughout the United States, Order, DA 04-909, released March 31, 2004.
In December 2004, Telesat ceased to insure its interest in the residual value of Nimiq 2 following the arrival in orbit of the leased satellite Nimiq 3 (formerly DirecTV3) a satellite that complements the capacity of Nimiq 1 and 2 and which, following operational changes, could be used to provide capacity and continuity of service in the event of a failure of either Nimiq 1 or Nimiq 2.
Two of these satellites (Nimiq 1 and Nimiq 2) provide capacity for Bell ExpressVu’s DTH satellite television services as well as allow for back-up capability.
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