Examples of Nimiq 3 in a sentence
We added Nimiq 3 in 2004 to improve signal strength and reliability while increasing capacity.
In July 2004, the CRTC granted final approval to the agreement between Bell ExpressVu and Telesat to lease the full capacity of Nimiq 3.
All of the Nimiq 3 transponders have been leased to Bell ExpressVu.
Unlike Nimiq 3, however, both of Nimiq 4i’s satellite computer processors are operational.
There is a programme for observing teaching sessions and assessments at STG’s training centres.
Telesat therefore tested the Nimiq 3 satellite for impairment, and upon determining that its carrying amount was not recoverable, recorded an impairment charge of $2.4 in operating expenses.
In December 2004, Telesat ceased to insure its interest in the residual value of Nimiq 2 following the arrival in orbit of the leased satellite Nimiq 3 (formerly DirecTV3) a satellite that complements the capacity of Nimiq 1 and 2 and which, following operational changes, could be used to provide capacity and continuity of service in the event of a failure of either Nimiq 1 or Nimiq 2.
The impairment charge was measured as the excess of the net carrying amount of the satellite over its fair value, with the estimated fair value being based on the present value of the expected future cash flows of Nimiq 3.
In our examples above, Derry was the low price pelvis MRI provider and Concord the low price arthroscopic knee surgery vendor.
Bell ExpressVu In order to restore the backup capacity for Bell ExpressVu, which was diminished by the partial failure of Nimiq 2, Telesat reached an agreement with DirecTV for an existing spare in-orbit satellite (Nimiq 3).