Examples of Oak savanna in a sentence
Oak savanna that was restored or created as part of mitigation would not be eligible for future development.
Oak savanna was once a major vegetation type across large portions of the Midwest stretching from southern Wisconsin to western Tennessee (Cottam 1949, Bray 1960, Nuzzo 1986, Heikens and Robertson 1995).
Oak savanna and prairies support many species such as the Eastern box turtle and the Great Plains spittlebug.
Oak savanna management strategies and their differential effects on vegetative structure, understory light, and flowering fobs.
Oak savanna occurs in upland areas with sandy, well-drained soils and minimal slopes.
Oak savanna has been defined as having at least one tree per acre, but less than 50 percent cover.
Oak savanna or other forest restoration projects are slightly lower priority.
Payment rate for Oak savanna and Red & White pine includes trees, planting, and establishment weed control of tree mats.
Current summer work includes:· Removal of 11 fish passage barriers (including currently at Mattson’s on Jordan Creek and West Fork Jones Creek)· Oak savanna and woodland enhancement at Kime, and Erickson ownerships· Continued implementation at Wild Iris Ridge, Art Johnson’s, Heather Sogge’s, and the Murphy’s.· Maintenance & Monitoring Questions:David T.
Oak savanna and prairies were found on the dryer, south and west slopes and mesic hardwood forests were located on north and east slopes of the valley.