Oak tree definition

Oak tree means any tree in the genus Quercus that is not growing on timberland.
Oak tree means a native tree of the genus Quercus, of any size or age.
Oak tree means species of tree of the genus Quercus.

Examples of Oak tree in a sentence

  • PSC 113.0509 Landowner easements.PSC 113.0510 Tree trimming contacts.PSC 113.0511 Oak tree cutting and pruning.PSC 113.0512 Identification of potential power line natural hazards.

  • The Final Plan application shall address mitigation for the removal of the 25-inch dbh Oak tree (tree 39 on Tree Survey and Protection Plan, T-1, June 8, 2007).

  • However the Landscape Officer does not consider there to be an adverse impact on the Turkey Oak tree .

  • Request for relief from the strict application of §156.227 (A)(6) Modifications to Tree Protection Zones and §156.225 Removal of Historic and Significant Trees to allow encroachment into the tree protection zone or removal of the 53-inch Live Oak tree.

  • Appeal of Administrative Official’s refusal to allow modification of the tree protection zone for a 53-inch live oak tree or, in the alternative, to allow removal of 53-inch Live Oak tree.

More Definitions of Oak tree

Oak tree means any type of oak tree, including but not limited to coast live oak, blue oak, California black oak, interior live oak, canyon live oak, Engelmann oak or valley oak tree.
Oak tree means Oak Tree Medical Systems, Inc., a Delaware corporation and the parent of the Purchaser.
Oak tree means a Garry Oak (Quercus garryana, also known as Oregon White Oak) tree more than six feet tall. “Oak tree” shall not apply to any tree grown or held for sale in a licensed nursery, nor to the first removal or transplanting of a tree pursuant to the operation of a licensed nursery business.
Oak tree means any oak tree of the genus Quercus, including, but not limited to, Valley Oak (Quercus lobata), California Live Oak (Quercus Agrifolia), Canyon Oak (Quercus chrysolepis), Interior Live Oak (Quercus wislizenii) and Scrub Oak (Quercus dumosa), regardless of size. In the case of properties occupied by a single­family residence, Scrub Oak (Quercus dumosa) shall be excluded from this list.
Oak tree means any oak tree of the Genus Quercus including, but not limited to, Valley Oak (Quercus lobata),
Oak tree means any species of the genus "Quercus" that is native to the El Paso de Robles area, including but not limited to the blue oak (Quercus douglasii), valley oak (Quercus lobata), and coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia).
Oak tree means any single trunked tree of the quercus genus equal to or greater than eight (8″) inches in diameter as measured four and one-half (4-½′) feet above the root crown or, in the case of an oak with more than one (1) trunk, any such tree for which the sum of its two (2) largest trunks equals or is greater than eleven (11″) inches as measured four and one-half (4-½′) feet above the root crown. “Oak tree” shall not apply to any tree grown or held for sale in a licensed nursery nor to the first removal or transplanting of a tree pursuant to the operation of a licensed nursery business.