Native tree definition

Native tree means a tree listed on the Environmental Commission’s list of Native Trees and Woody Plants and/or those so listed in Appendix A.
Native tree means a species that was common on the Monterey Peninsula prior to the arrival of Europeans. These Trees, such as the Monterey pine and Monterey cypress, co- evolved over a very long period with other plants, animals, fungi, and microbes, to form the complex network of mutually reliant relationships found in the Peninsula’s native ecosystems.
Native tree means any tree species identified by the Texas A&M Forest Service to have Texas origin.

Examples of Native tree in a sentence

  • Native tree removal in shoreline jurisdiction must be mitigated by the installation of a similar native tree at a 1:1 impact to mitigation ratio.

  • Native tree species consist of slash pine, beggar ticks and grapevines.

  • Native tree, shrub, and emergent species will be planted in areas specified on Sheets 13 and 14 of the restoration plan drawings (Smayda et al.

  • Native tree removal in shoreline jurisdiction must be mitigated by the installation of a similar native tree at a 6:1 impact to mitigation ratio.

  • Native tree species have been selected in significant numbers for planting along boundaries and across open spaces while non-native species have also been selected where spatial constraints are a factor;• The landscaping will be fully compliant with the requirements for Part M/K of the Technical Guidance Documents and will provide level access and crossings for wheelchair users and pedestrians with limited mobility.

More Definitions of Native tree

Native tree means any tree with a trunk more than 8 inches in diameter at a height of 4 ½ feet above natural grade that is one of the following species: Quercus agrifolia (Coast live oak), Quercus engelmannii (Engelmann oak), Quercus chrysolepis (Canyon oak), Platanus racemosa (California sycamore), Juglans californica (California walnut), Quercus berberidifolia (Scrub oak), Quercus lobata (Valley oak), Umbellularia californica (California bay), Populus fremontii (Cottonwood), Alnus rhombifolia (California alder), Populus trichocarpa (Black cottonwood), Salix lasiolepis (Arroyo willow), and Aesculus californica (California buckeye).
Native tree means a tree species as listed below:
Native tree means a tree native to those lands that now constitute the town of
Native tree means any of the following trees native to the San Francisco Bay area: Oak, Redwood, Buckeye, Madrone, Sycamore, Big-Leaf Maple, Red-Bud, and Bay.
Native tree or “Tree” means a tree that is indigenous or original to a particular geographical area and are more particularly listed in Schedule A of this By-law.
Native tree means any Live Oak, Spanish Oak, Cedar Elm, Shin Oak, Bald Cypress, Post Oak, Pecan, Bur Oak or other such tree indigenous to Central Texas.
Native tree means any tree with a trunk size of more than 8 inches and is one of the following species: Quercus agrifolia (coast live oak), Quercus engelmannii (Englmann oak), Quercus chrysolepis (canyon live oak), Platanus racemosa (California sycamore), Juglans californica (California walnut), Quercus berveridifolia (scrub oak), Quercus lobata (valley oak), Umbellularia californica (California bay laurel), Populus fremontii (western cottonwood), Populus trichocarpa (black cottonwood), Alnus rhombifola (California alder), Salix lasiolepis (arroyo willow), and Aesculus californica (California buckeye).