Obligation Period definition
Examples of Obligation Period in a sentence
Each Monthly Auction is intended to facilitate Unforced Capacity transactions between Market Participants.Each Monthly Auction will be conducted and solved simultaneously to purchase Unforced Capacity which may be used by an LSE toward all components of its LSE Unforced Capacity Obligation for each Obligation Period.
Any period served by the Student in full-time national service after the completion of the Course, whether before or after the commencement of the Service Obligation Period, shall be counted towards the discharge of the Service Obligation Period.
For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in this Agreement obliges or imposes any duty on the Government or any body or organisation designated under Clause 1(d) or approved under Clause 1(e) by the Government, to employ, appoint or retain the Student during the whole or any part of the period of Provisional Registration or the Service Obligation Period.
In transmission also no distinction is made between availability of capacity and transmission of energy.
For each action identified the applicant should include a proposed classification of each ALI in accordance with FHWA/FTA Environmental Impact and Related Procedures.