Examples of Onshore Wind in a sentence
Having due regard to the above it is considered that the proposal is consistent with the Scottish Government’s Specific Advice Sheet on Onshore Wind Farms.
The Facility Generation Technology applicable to this Contract for Difference is Offshore Wind, provided that for the purposes of paragraph (A) of the definition of Specific Change in Law or paragraphs (B) or (C) of the definition of Other Change in Law, Offshore Wind and Onshore Wind may be deemed to be one Facility Generation Technology.
The Facility Generation Technology applicable to this Contract for Difference is Offshore Wind, provided that for the purposes of paragraph (A) of the definition of Specific Change in Law or paragraphs (B) or (C) of the definition of Other Change in Law, Offshore Wind, Onshore Wind and Remote Island Wind may be deemed to be one Facility Generation Technology.
Developers should refer to SNH’s guidance ‘Assessing the Cumulative Impact of Onshore Wind Energy Developments 2012’.
Having due regard to the above it is considered that the proposal is inconsistent with the provisions of SPP and Scottish Government’s Specific Advice Sheet on Onshore Wind Farms; Policy STRAT SI 1: Sustainable Development of the Argyll & Bute Structure Plan; and, Policies LP ENV 1: Development Impact on the General Environment and LP ENV 19: Development Setting, Layout & Design of the Argyll & Bute Local Plan.
Having due regard to the above it is considered that the proposal is inconsistent with the provisions of SPP and the Scottish Government’s Specific Advice Sheet on Onshore Wind Farms.
On 9 September 2014, the Company registered a share charge over its shares in Bernard Matthews Green Energy Halesworth Limited to GCP Onshore Wind 1 Limited as security for a senior loan facility of £8.4 million raised by Bernard Matthews Green Energy Halesworth Limited to finance the construction costs of its wind farm.
On 5 August 2013, the Company registered a share charge over its shares in Weston Airfield Investments Limited and Bernard Matthews Green Energy Weston Limited to GCP Onshore Wind 1 Limited as security for a senior loan facility of £4.5 million raised by Bernard Matthews Wind Farm (Weston) LLP to finance the construction costs of its wind farm.
The Landscape Capacity Study for Onshore Wind Energy Development in the Western Isles, 2004 provides detailed information.
As a consequence, planning authorities have to consider more frequently turbines within lower-lying more populated areas, where design elements and cumulative impacts need to be managed (Scottish Government’s Specific Advice Sheet on Onshore Wind Farms).