Overseas sales definition
Examples of Overseas sales in a sentence
Overseas sales accounted for approximately 2/3 of our consolidated net sales in the current fiscal year and a large proportion of our transactions are denominated in foreign currencies, such as the US dollar and the Euro.
Overseas sales were affected by the suspension of operations by customers and the Group's own sites in China, Southeast Asia, India and elsewhere.
Overseas sales for this sub-segment registered a 25.8% increase over the first half of fiscal 2005.
This European Standard specifies a high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)/ion-exchange high performance liquid chromatography (IC) method for the determination of nitrate contents of vegetables and vegetable products.
Overseas sales for the sub-segment increased by 14.5%compared to the same period in the previous fiscal year, boosted by continued strong sales of optical transmission systems and a significant increase in sales of UNIX servers.
Overseas sales increased in North America, Central and South America, India, and other regions despite sluggish demand in China due largely to environmental regulations.
Overseas sales consequently decreased 0.5 percentage points as a percentage of consolidated net sales, to 57.4%.In overseas production, we are moving forward with efforts to optimize our production locations.
Overseas sales For the first three quarters of the fiscal year ending February 28, 2010 (March 1, 2009-November 30, 2009) Overseas sales account for less than 10% of consolidated sales at all segments for the current first three quarters of the fiscal 2009, therefore overseas sales information is omitted.
The Eighth Circuit has stated that[u]nder the general category titled ‘Interest of Justice’ the [factors to be considered include] (1) judicial economy, (2) the plaintiff’s choice of forum, (3) the comparative costs to the parties of litigating in each forum, (4) each party’s ability to enforce a judgment, (5) obstacles to a fair trial, (6) conflict of law issues, and (7) the advantages of having a local court determine the questions of local law.
This potential investment is also strongly backed by the U.S. State Department, which intends to contribute to several large infrastructure initiatives – including port development, housing, electricity, and water.