Parliamentary Inspector definition
Examples of Parliamentary Inspector in a sentence
These include reports from the Auditor General, the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administrative Investigations (Ombudsman), the Commissioner for Children and Young People, the Parliamentary Inspector of the Corruption and Crime Commission and the Inspector of Custodial Services.
The entities were:- Department of Communities- Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development- Health Support Services- Housing Authority- Office of the Parliamentary Inspector of the Corruption and Crime Commission- WA Greyhound Racing Association.
The JSCCCC 38th considered the Redacted Report and wrote to the Acting Parliamentary Inspector, Mr Craig Colvin SC, seeking his comments, especially in respect to the question as to whether or not the redactions were appropriate and whether the report ought to be made public.
The Committee received 24 submissions to its Inquiry, including from the Attorney General, Hon Michael Mischin MLC, the CCC Commissioner, Hon John McKechnie QC, and the Parliamentary Inspector, Hon Michael Murray QC.
The number of specific investigations conducted and completed by the Parliamentary Inspector is recorded electronically.
A development typical of the region, after infrastructure projects.
The total cost of the investigation function is calculated by determining the percentage of salaries devoted to the investigation function and then applying that percentage to the total expenditure of the Parliamentary Inspector for the period.
Consequently, the Office of the Parliamentary Inspector has not applied early any of the following Australian Accounting Standards that have been issued that may impact the Office of the Parliamentary Inspector.
I appreciate that that does not happen in terms of charges brought and prosecuted by Police, but I think it is a desirable situation.28 (emphasis added)Finding 7Subsequent Parliamentary Inspector, Hon Chris Steytler QC, did not support the Corruption and Crime Commission having a power to prosecute.
The JSCCCC supports this recommendation, subject to the observation offered by the Parliamentary Inspector being catered for.