Examples of Passenger vessel in a sentence
Passenger vessel operators have, on the whole, been slow to provide this access to their businesses, in good part because the Government has not begun a topical rulemaking process.
Passenger vessel crew training for vessels in the industry is needed to assure proper assistance to passengers with disabilities, including passage from the dock to the vessel.
Characterize affected populations by type and age -Passenger vessel fleet -Vessel life expectancy, build rates, and frequency of alterations in the passenger fleet.
Passenger vessel operators occupy a unique niche in the transportation industry, providing a wide variety of services from basic A-to-B transit to a wide spectrum of leisure and entertainment activities.
The industry is subject to both sets of ADA regulations with the additional challenge of existing Coast Guard regulations.1 Passenger vessel operators have been subject to some general provisions of ADA since its passage, that is, the broad anti-discrimination language and the requirement to make "readily achievable" and "reasonable accommodations", within limits proscribed by health and safety risks and "undue burden".