Gross tons definition

Gross tons means tonnage as determined by the United States coast guard under 33 C.F.R. section 138.30.
Gross tons means a vessel's approximate volume as defined under Title 46, United States Code of Federal Reg- ulations, Part 69.
Gross tons means a vessel's approximate volume as defined under Title 46, United States Code of Federal Regulations, Part 69.

Examples of Gross tons in a sentence

  • Gross tons include freight cargo minus tare weight of the rail cars.

  • Gross tons Collected daily on average by material type by route for SFD and Commercial Recycling service, with map of routes.

  • Telstra recommends that the study consider the following opportunities: • The use of the Automatic Identification System (AIS), which is a mandatory requirement of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) and is fitted aboard all vessels of greater than 300 Gross tons, to monitor the movement of vessels in the vicinity of protection zones.

  • Z10.5(cont) Sheet 3Ships name:- GENERAL PARTICULARS IMO number:- Class identity number:- Port of registry:- Gross tons:- Deadweight:- Date of build:- Classification Society:- Name of Company performing thickness measurement:- Thickness measurement company certified by:- Certificate No:- Certificate valid

  • Vessel name Gross tons □ Longline □ Baltboat □ Purse seine Flag country Capacity (M.

More Definitions of Gross tons

Gross tons means tonnage as determined by the United States
Gross tons. "GT," or "GT ITC" means a ves- sel's gross tonnage calculated in accordance with the tonnage measurement regulations contained in Annex I to the Interna-
Gross tons. "GT," or "GT ITC" means a ves- sel's gross tonnage calculated in accordance with the tonnage measurement regulations contained in Annex I to the Interna- tional Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969 or any successor convention, as required under USCG Navi- gation and Vessel Circular No. 11-93, CH. 3, Section 2. GT is the metric used on the USCG ballast water reporting form, used to qualify a "vessel" under this chapter, and is generally calculated differently than other tonnage metrics such as gross regulatory tons, gross registered tons (GRT), net tons, displacement, or deadweight. It is the vessel owner's or oper- ator's responsibility to determine his or her vessel's applica- bility to this chapter if using alternative tonnage measure- ments, as there are no standard conversion metrics to GT.
Gross tons. "GT," or "GT ITC" means a vessel's gross ton- nage calculated in accordance with the tonnage measurement regulations contained in Annex I to the International Convention on Tonnage Meas- urement of Ships, 1969 or any successor convention, as required under USCG Navigation and Vessel Circular No. 11-93, CH. 3, Section 2. GT is the metric used on the USCG ballast water reporting form, used to qualify a "vessel" under this chapter, and is generally calculated differently than other tonnage metrics such as gross regulatory tons, gross registered tons (GRT), net tons, displacement, or deadweight. It is the vessel owner's or operator's responsibility to determine his or her vessel's applicability to this chapter if using alternative ton- nage measurements, as there are no standard conversion metrics to GT.
Gross tons means gross tonnage determined in accordance with regulation 6 or regulation 12(1) of the Merchant Shipping (Tonnage) Regulations 1997(d);
Gross tons means tonnage as determined by the United States Coast Guard under 33 C.F.R. Sec. 138.30.
Gross tons means a vessel's approximate volume as defined