Phillips 66 definition
Examples of Phillips 66 in a sentence
CITM provides almost 50% of the total amount of the national needs for blood components for clinical use.
Use of Incident Investigation Documentation Software Phillips 66 requires use of a Corporate wide software tool in which certain risk levels of incidents must be tracked.
This Flare Minimization plan outlines the approach that Phillips 66, San Francisco Refinery has developed to manage and minimize flaring events, without compromising the critical safety function of the flare system.Flares are first and foremost devices to ensure the safety of refinery operations and personnel.
Existing Systems for Vent Gas RecoveryWithin the Phillips 66 San Francisco Refinery at Rodeo, CA, the systems that currently exist for recovery of vent gas are described by the table below.
Regulatory drivers include but are not limited to; BAAQMD regulations 12-11 & 12-12, EPA SARA/CERCLA reporting requirements, Phillips 66 EPA Consent Decree requirements, Contra Costa County ISO.
This flare minimization plan for the Phillips 66, San Francisco Refinery (SFR) located in Rodeo, CA is consistent with progress toward that goal.
The levels correspond to those required by BAAQMD and in the Phillips 66 Consent Decree.
The Phillips 66 Rodeo Refinery has a flare gas recovery system in which liquids and gases are recovered the majority of the time, cleaned, and utilized as fuel gas in facility heaters and the co-generation plant.When gases cannot be recovered due to quality or quantity issues gases would be routed to the flare.
High Learning Value Event (HLVE) If an event occurs in which a lesson learned might have value to sister refineries within Phillips 66 a system has been established for quickly sharing lessons learned so that other facilities may not experience a similar incident.
Accordingly, all fees earned by, and all equity instruments granted to, Ms Zhanna Golodryga are paid or granted directly to Phillips 66.