Policy Letter definition
Policy Letter means the development policy letter dated 26 October 2007 addressed by the Borrower to ADB and referred to in Recital (A) of this Loan Agreement;
Policy Letter means the development policy letter referred to in Recital (A) of this Loan Agreement;
Policy Letter has the meaning specified in Recital A hereto;
Examples of Policy Letter in a sentence
The Borrower shall ensure that the policies adopted and actions taken as described in the Policy Letter, including the Policy Matrix, prior to the date of this Loan Agreement continue in effect for the duration of the Program Cluster Period and subsequently.
The Program and Program Cluster are described in more detail in the Policy Letter.
The Borrower shall keep ADB informed of, and the Borrower and ADB shall from time to time exchange views on, sector issues, policy reforms and additional reforms during the Program Cluster Period that may be considered necessary or desirable, including the progress made in carrying out policies and actions set out in the Policy Letter and the Policy Matrix.
More Definitions of Policy Letter
Policy Letter has the meaning specified in Recital (A) to this Loan Agreement;
Policy Letter means the development policy letter dated 12 September 2008 addressed by the Recipient to ADB and referred to in Preamble (A) of this Grant Agreement;
Policy Letter means a document which has been dated, numbered and issued by the Medi-Cal Managed Care Division. It clarifies regulatory or contractual requirements.
Policy Letter means the development policy letter dated 7 September 2009 and referred to in Recital (A) of this Loan Agreement;
Policy Letter means the development policy letter referred to in Recital
Policy Letter has the meaning given to such term in Recital (A) of this Grant Agreement;
Policy Letter has the meaning set forth in Section 2.