Examples of Prescription drugs or devices in a sentence
Terms Equivalent to “Vaccination”• Immunization• Diagnostic or therapeutic regimens/measures• Drug or device by injection• Nonscheduled legend drug/substance*• Medication**• Pharmacological agents• Prescription drugs or devices * LEGEND DRUGS are approved by the FDA and must be dispensed to the public only when a licenses physician or other licensed provider prescribes them.
Prescription drugs or devices may be dispensed either directly from one of the persons licensed in 231.6(3) who may also prescribe drugs or devices or by a pharmacist upon receipt of a prescription from one of the persons licensed to prescribe.
Prescription drugs or devices, including FDA-approved contraceptive drugs, that are available over the counter or by prescription that are capable of self-administration are covered in Section 10: Prescription Drug Products;Coverage for the insertion or removal of contraceptive devices;Medically Necessary exam associated with the use of contraceptive drugs or devices; and.
Prescription drugs or devices may be dis- pensed either directly from one of the persons licensed in 20.7(2) who may also prescribe drugs or de- vices or by a pharmacist upon receipt of a prescription from one of the persons licensed to prescribe.
Prescription drugs or devices shall be procured and possessed in the course of the practice of pharmacy by a permitted pharmacy.
Prescription drugs or devices may be dispensed either directly from one of the persons licensed in 20.7(2) who may also prescribe drugs or devices or by a pharmacist upon receipt of a prescription from one of the persons licensed to prescribe.
Prescription drugs or devices, including FDA-approved contraceptive drugs, that are available over the counter or by prescription that are capable of self-administration are covered in Section 10: Prescription Drug Products;Coverage for the insertion or removal of contraceptive devices;Medically Necessary exam associated with the use of contraceptive drugs or devices; andVoluntary sterilization is covered under this benefit.
Prescription drugs or devices shall be dispensed only by a Louisiana-licensed pharmacist.
Prescription drugs or devices that are capable of self−administration are covered in Section 10: Prescription Drug Products;Coverage for the insertion or removal of contraceptive devices;Medically Necessary examination associated with the use of contraceptive drugs or devices; and Voluntary sterilization.
Prescription drugs or devices, including FDA-approved contraceptive drugs, that are available over the counter or by prescription that are capable of self-administration are covered in Section 10: Prescription Drug Products;Coverage for the insertion or removal of contraceptive devices;Medically Necessary examination associated with the use of contraceptive drugs or devices; andVoluntary sterilization is covered under this benefit.