Examples of Priority debts in a sentence
Priority debts are those debts that should be dealt with first and quickly.
This report documents the various challenges that women face when trying to enter and grow in transport careers and offers specific recommendations on how organizations can address some of these barriers.
Priority debts include arrears of mortgages, other secured loans, rent, council tax and gas and electricity supply and arrears under hire purchase or conditional sale agreements where it is necessary for the customer to retain use of the underlying goods.
Each equilibrium corresponds to a situation, where for each agent i ∈ A, the set of agents thatenforce, one has Vi(a, A) ≥ Vi(n, A)+ B, and for each i ∈/ A, Vi(a, A) < Vi(n, A)+ B.
Priority debts are those where non payment can result in the loss of: liberty, home, essential services or essential goods.210 Priority debts are usually mortgage/rent arrears and council tax debts211 but they can also include utility bills.
Priority debts to Social Insurance Fund in a company wind- ing-up.
Priority debts are debts owed to creditors who can take the strongest legal actions against you if you do not pay.
Priority debts are those where a debtor may lose their possessions, accommodation or could be sent to prison if the debts are not paid.
Priority debts are those granted special status by the bankruptcy law, such as most taxes and the costs of the bankruptcy proceeding.
Priority debts All debts are important, but some debts are more pressing than others.