prison definition
prison means a building used for the confinement of detained persons; "recreational building" means a building used for a gymnasium or clubhouse;
prison means a residential facility used for the confinement of convicted felony offenders that is under the control of the department of rehabilitation and correction but does not include a violation sanction center operated under authority of section 2967.141 of the Revised Code.
prison means any jail or place used permanently or temporarily under the general or special orders of the State Government for the detention of prisoners, and includes all lands and buildings appurtenant thereto, but does not include,—
More Definitions of prison
prison means a place of custody administered by the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform and includes Saint Patrick’s Institution and a place of detention provided under section 2 of the Prisons Act 1970, and ‘prison officer’, in relation to a prison, shall be construed accordingly.”.
prison means a place of custody administered by or on behalf of the Minister (other than a Garda Síochána station) and includes—
prison means a prison within the meaning of the Corrective Services Act 1988.
prison means a place of custody administered by the Minister for Justice and Equality, and includes Saint Patrick’s Institution, any place provided under section 2 of the Prisons Act 1970 or any place specified to be used as a prison under section 3 of the Prisons Act 1972 and “Governor” and “prison officer”, in relation to a prison, shall be construed accordingly.
prison means any place designated by law for the keeping of persons held in custody under process of law, or under lawful arrest, including but not limited to any state correctional institution or any county or city jail;
prison means any premises or place declared or deemed to have been declared as a prison pursuant to this Act.
prison means any place in which a prisoner is being detained.