Qualified ABLE program definition

Qualified ABLE program means the same as defined in section 529A of the Internal Revenue Code.
Qualified ABLE program means the same as that term is defined in Section
Qualified ABLE program means the same as that term is defined in Section 35A-12-102.

Examples of Qualified ABLE program in a sentence

  • In addition, the advisory letter clarifies that amounts distributed from a New Mexico 529 plan account to a Qualified ABLE program, including the ABLE program offered in the State of New Mexico (notwithstanding that such a transfer is a Qualified Withdrawal for federal tax purposes), will be subject to New Mexico income tax on earnings and distributed amounts previously deducted for New Mexico income tax purposes must be recaptured.

  • In addition, amounts previously deducted for New Mexico income tax purposes will be recaptured if they are distributed from The Education Plan or Scholar’s Edge to a Qualified ABLE program, including the ABLE program offered in the State of New Mexico or to another Qualified Tuition Program not offered by the State of New Mexico (notwithstanding that such a transfer is a Qualified Withdrawal for federal tax purposes).

  • IRC § 529A(a) provides that a Qualified ABLE program is generally exempt from taxation.

More Definitions of Qualified ABLE program

Qualified ABLE program means the same as that term is defined in 26 U.S.C. Sec. 529A.
Qualified ABLE program means aprogram established and maintained by a State, or agency or instrumentality of a State, under which an ABLE accountmay be established by and for the benefit of the account’s designated beneficiary who is an eligible individual, and that meets the requirements described in § 1.529A–2.
Qualified ABLE program means a program established pursuant to Section 529A
Qualified ABLE program or “program” means the ABLE program that is a qualified program pursuant to and in compliance with the code, and that is created pursuant to this act;
Qualified ABLE program means the same as that term is defined in Section 529A of the Code. [Current Internal Revenue Code guidance may be inserted as applicable.]
Qualified ABLE program means the program authorized under s. 529A of the Internal Revenue Code which may be established by a state or agency, or instrumentality thereof, to allow a person to make contributions for a taxable year to an ABLE account established for the purpose of meeting the qualified disability expenses of the designated beneficiary of the ABLE account.
Qualified ABLE program means a "qualified ABLE program" as defined under 26