Qualified ABLE program definition
Examples of Qualified ABLE program in a sentence
In addition, the advisory letter clarifies that amounts distributed from a New Mexico 529 plan account to a Qualified ABLE program, including the ABLE program offered in the State of New Mexico (notwithstanding that such a transfer is a Qualified Withdrawal for federal tax purposes), will be subject to New Mexico income tax on earnings and distributed amounts previously deducted for New Mexico income tax purposes must be recaptured.
In addition, amounts previously deducted for New Mexico income tax purposes will be recaptured if they are distributed from The Education Plan or Scholar’s Edge to a Qualified ABLE program, including the ABLE program offered in the State of New Mexico or to another Qualified Tuition Program not offered by the State of New Mexico (notwithstanding that such a transfer is a Qualified Withdrawal for federal tax purposes).
IRC § 529A(a) provides that a Qualified ABLE program is generally exempt from taxation.