Examples of Radio Console in a sentence
The Commission’s Radio Console is a potential input to the Audio System, but is currently engineered to not be a source.
Launched in 2010, Grand Challenges Canada is dedicated to supporting Bold Ideas with Big Impact®.
Radio Console: the control panel or interface comprised of hardware, including common control hardware, and software components used to monitor, control, and integrate multiple public safety radios or radio systems by a dispatcher in a PSAP using a common microphone, speaker and user interface.This does not include any radio system components.
A Resolution by The Folly Beach City Council Awarding a Contract for A Radio Console to Be Used by Dispatch to Motorola, Inc.
Smart Card Tool is a software used to configure subscriber SCs both from TETRA Radios and from Radio Console Systems.
Mr. North made a motion to move forward to Board of Finance Public Hearing on Tuesday, March 27, 2012 the following; cash expenditures from the Debt Service Budget in the amounts of $185,000 for the Dispatch Radio Console Replacement and an additional $190,000 towards the partial completion of the Owens Brook/West Street/Greenway Improvements Project.
Motion by DiDuca, seconded by Titus, (1) Authorized the Town to contribute the 25% matching funds of the IECGP Grant (approximately$24,875.00) for the purchase of the Police/Fire Radio Console; (2) Authorized the Police Chief to go out to bid for the purchase of a Police and Fire Voice Logger / Recorder system previously approved in the current year budget; AND, (3) Authorized the Town Manager to enter into a five year lease purchase for the above projects.
This element is a server which manages the automatic distribution of Traffic Encryption Keys over the air to all the radios in the network, as well as the distribution to other non-mobile equipment such as Radio Console Systems (dispatcher workstations used by operators in the main office to communicate with field agents) and Recorder Gateways (Recorders are devices used to record all communication in the network).
Client Name: State of Vermont, Department of Public Safety Project Name: PSAP Radio Console Submitted for: Partial Completion Full Completion OTHER Date Submitted: / / Submitted by: Date Requested for Response: / / Submitter’s email: Xxxxxxxxx’s Phone # - - Date Returned: / / Reviewers email: @ .
The building elements for the communications center were provided internally by Mn/DOT with opportunities for direct input from the end users.New Radio Console System – Provided centralized dispatch function to occur for Mn/DOT, MSP, Arrowhead Transit, and City of Virginia Dial-a-Ride.