Examples of Rainfall Erosivity Factor in a sentence
The R factor incorporates the expected schedule and can be calculated using EPA’s Rainfall Erosivity Factor Calculator, https://lew.epa.gov/, or the Construction Rainfall Erosivity Waiver Fact Sheet https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2015-10/documents/fact3-1.pdf.If project completion is delayed beyond the end date specified in the LEW, the new expected end date may result in the project no longer qualifying for the LEW (due to the R factor increasing along with the duration of the project).
Operators on projects disturbing less than 5 acres of land, and whose Rainfall Erosivity Factor (R factor) is less than 5 may request a LEW.
The Rainfall Erosivity Factor waiver is time-sensitive and is dependent on what time of year the construction activity takes place, how long it lasts, and the expected rainfall and intensity during that time.The exemption is void if the construction activity extends past the dates specified in the waiver certification.
Section F - Rainfall Erosivity FactorIndicate the determined Rainfall Erosivity Factor, otherwise known as "R Factor”, rounded to the nearest tenth of a decimal place (this value must be less than five in order to qualify for the use of this Form): The Department reserves the right to revoke or refuse to grant the waiver based on the potential for contribution to a violation of a water quality standard or for significant contribution of pollutants to state waters.
The Erosivity Factor is prescriptively calculated using the EPA Rainfall Erosivity Factor Calculator for Small Construction Sites.
The Construction Stormwater General Permit requires dischargers to use the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Rainfall Erosivity Factor Calculator (https://lew.epa.gov/) to determine a construction site’s site-specific R factor.
The rainfall erosivity factor is used to determine the soil loss in tonnes per hectare over one year, and is used in calculations when sizing construction sediment basins.The Project area has a Rainfall Erosivity Factor of 2750 SI.
R raster map for Satinskyi catchment was produced using the daily recorded mean rainfall data from 1950 up to 2018 provided by Rwanda Meteorological Agency, which led to the final computation of R factor map using to the following formula (Morgan, 1985): = 38.5 + 0.357 Where, R represents the Rainfall Erosivity Factor, and P is the Mean Annual Rainfall in mm.
R., Moatamednia, M., and Behzadfar, M., (2011).Spatial and Temporal Variations in the Rainfall Erosivity Factor in Iran: Journal of Agricultural Sci- ence Technology.
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