Examples of Rainfall Erosivity Factor in a sentence
The Rainfall Erosivity Factor waiver is time-sensitive and is dependent on what time of year the construction activity takes place, how long it lasts, and the expected rainfall and intensity during that time.The exemption is void if the construction activity extends past the dates specified in the waiver certification.
Operators on projects disturbing less than 5 acres of land, and whose Rainfall Erosivity Factor (R factor) is less than 5 may request a LEW.
The exhibition will include props from past sets, prompt books, photographs of the action on stage and various other pieces of memorabilia.
Section F - Rainfall Erosivity FactorIndicate the determined Rainfall Erosivity Factor, otherwise known as "R Factor”, rounded to the nearest tenth of a decimal place (this value must be less than five in order to qualify for the use of this Form): The Department reserves the right to revoke or refuse to grant the waiver based on the potential for contribution to a violation of a water quality standard or for significant contribution of pollutants to state waters.
The project must also have a Rainfall Erosivity Factor (R factor) of less than 5 for the construction period.
Sediment Risk EquationA = (R)(K)(LS) Where: A = Rate of sheet and rill erosion (tons per acre) R = Runoff erosivity factorK = Soil erodibility factor LS = Length-slope The rainfall runoff erosivity factor (R) of 63.38 was determined from the EPA’s Rainfall Erosivity Factor Calculator for Small Construction Sites.
Use if the project qualifies for an erosivity waiver.Add to the end of section 13-2.01A:1This project qualifies for an erosivity waiver because the anticipated soil disturbance is at least 1 and less than 5 ac and the R-factor is less than 5.2. Insert the construction period from the Erosivity Index Calculator Results calculated from the Rainfall Erosivity Factor Calculator for Small Construction Sites on the NPDES website.
The LRP is typically the person who possesses the title of the land, easement, or leasehold interest of the estate upon which the construction activities will occur 51 U.S. EPA, Rainfall Erosivity Factor Calculator for Small Construction Sites,<https://lew.epa.gov/> [as of May 20, 2021].52 Each signatory (LRP or DAR) must have an electronic authorization form on file with the State Water Board for each organization they represent in SMARTS.for the regulated site.
R raster map for Satinskyi catchment was produced using the daily recorded mean rainfall data from 1950 up to 2018 provided by Rwanda Meteorological Agency, which led to the final computation of R factor map using to the following formula (Morgan, 1985): = 38.5 + 0.357 Where, R represents the Rainfall Erosivity Factor, and P is the Mean Annual Rainfall in mm.
Indicate the determined Rainfall Erosivity Factor, otherwise known as "R"-Factor, to the nearest tenth of a decimal place (this value must be less than five in order to qualify for the use of this Form): The Department reserves the right to revoke or refuse to grant the waiver based on the potential for contribution to a violation of a water quality standard or for significant contribution of pollutants to state waters.