Relative Positional Precision definition
Examples of Relative Positional Precision in a sentence
The following measurement standards address Relative Positional Precision for the monuments or witnesses marking the corners of the surveyed property.
The maximum allowable Relative Positional Precision for any survey is 2 cm (0.07 feet) plus 50 parts per million (based on the direct distance between the two corners being tested).
Horizontal Standard: The maximum allowable Relative Positional Precision for a Survey is 0.07 feet plus 50 parts per million (based on the direct distance between the two corners being tested).
Explanation of reasons for exceeding the Relative Positional Precision requirement shall be provided to the MUNICIPALITY for approval.
It is recognized that in certain circumstances, the size or configuration of the surveyed property, or the relief, vegetation or improvements on the surveyed property may result in survey measurements for which the maximum allowable Relative Positional Precision may be exceeded.
Algonkian-Gulf Both the Gulf family and Algonkian-Gulf are controversial linguistic families (Campbell 1997: 306; 308).
The location of all buildings on the surveyed property, located pursuant to Section 5.D., dimensioned perpendicular to those perimeter boundary lines that the surveyor deems appropriate (i.e., where potentially impacted by a setback line) and/or as requested by the client, lender or insurer.viii.x. A note on the face of the plat or map explaining the site conditions that resulted in a Relative Positional Precision that exceeds the maximum allowed underpursuant to Section 3.E.v. of these standards.xi.
Of these four sources of uncertainty, only Relative Positional Precision is controllable, although, due to the inherent errors in any measurement, it cannot be eliminated.
When, in the opinion of the surveyor, the results of the survey differ significantly from the record, or if a fundamental decision related to the boundary resolution is not clearly reflected on the plat or map, the surveyor shall explain this information with notes on the face of the plat or map.ix.A note on the face of the plat or map explaining the site conditions that resulted in a Relative Positional Precision that exceeds the maximum allowed under Section 3.E.v. of these standards.
Relative Positional Precision may be estimated by the results of a correctly weighted, least square adjustment of the survey, based on the direct distance between the two corners being measured.¶Classification of Survey by Land UseThe degree of precision and accuracy necessary for a particular survey shall be based upon the intended use of the land.