Examples of Renewable energy business in a sentence
Renewable energy business, such as solar energy, is to make solar roofs for consumers to reduce their production costs.
Renewable energy business: provision of construction service of renewable energy systems (e.g. solar power systems and wind power systems) and rental income from lease of solar power system in the People’s Republic of China (the “PRC”) 3.
Renewable energy business training and certification programs could well make sense on a regional level; a PV installer in New England will not want to restrict her business to a particular state, for example.• Regulatory Rules.
Renewable energy business (Solar PVs project) in the Climate Change Countermeasure as a materiality and use of proceeds in this green bond aligning CO2 net zero challenge and Climate change actions are thought to be contribution to SDGs directly and indirectly.
On behalf of the Board of Directors Place : Chennai RAMESH K B MENON Date : April 27, 2018 Chairman (DIN: 05275821) MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS REPORT COMPANY PROFILE The company is engaged in the business of Manufacture of Polymer meshes which consists of Extruded Nets and Knitted Fabrics; Trading of Food intermediary products; packaged drinking water; Renewable energy business and Air travel agency business.
The Group’s reportable and operating segments are as follows: – Building construction business: provision of foundation works and ancillary services and general building works to customers in Hong Kong and Saipan – Sales of piles: sales of piles to customers in Hong Kong – Renewable energy business: construction projects of renewable energy systems (e.g. solar power systems and wind power systems) and rental income from lease of solar power system in the People’s Republic of China (the “PRC”).
The Highways Agency reaffirms its commitment to deliver the A2 Bean Junction and A2 Ebbsfleet Junction between 2015 and 2020 subject to the Highways Agency and South East Local Enterprise Partnership and partners working together to agree the funding package and local contributions.
Other personal data about you is generated in the course of your work, for example, from your managers, colleagues and customers or others outside our organisation with whom you deal.Your personal data will be seen internally by managers, HR and, in some circumstances, colleagues.
Renewable energy business development brings the promise of cost efficient clean energy not only in developed countries, but also in developing countries.
For management purposes, the Group is organised into business units based on their products and services and has two reportable operating segments as follows: – Continuing operations Renewable energy business segment is principally engaged in (i) provision of a one-stop value added solution for photovoltaic power stations (EPC, maintenance and support, and operation) and (ii) sales of the patented photovoltaic tracking mounting bracket systems.