Examples of Repayment contract in a sentence
Association, Orland Project, California: Repayment contract for the SOD costs assigned to the irrigation of Stony Gorge Dam.
Project, Oregon: Repayment contract for reimbursable cost of SOD modifications to Warm Springs Dam.
Oregon: Repayment contract for reimbursable cost of dam safety repairs to Wickiup Dam.
Southern Ute Indian Tribe, Animas- La Plata Project, Colorado: Repayment contract for 26,500 acre-feet per year for M&I use and 2,600 acre-feet per year for irrigation use in Phase One and 700 acre-feet in Phase Two; contract terms to be consistent with binding cost sharing agreement and water rights settlement agreement.
Navajo Indian Tribe, Animas-La Plata Project, New Mexico: Repayment contract for 7,600 acre-feet per year for M&I use.
San Juan Pueblo, San Juan-Chama Project, New Mexico: Repayment contract for up to 2,000 acre-feet of project water for irrigation purposes.
Glendo Unit, P–SMBP, Wyoming: Repayment contract for 10,350 acre-feet of supplemental irrigation water from Glendo Reservoir pending completion of NEPA review.
Oregon: Repayment contract for reimbursable cost of dam safety repairs to Arthur R.
Conservation District, Truckee Storage Project, Nevada: Repayment contract for costs associated with SOD work on Boca Dam.
La Plata Conservancy District, Animas-La Plata Project, New Mexico: Repayment contract for 9,900 acre-feet per year for irrigation use.