Reservation waters definition

Reservation waters means all surface water located within the exterior boundaries of the Swinomish Indian Reservation, including without limitation Regulated Surface Waters.
Reservation waters means all lakes, streams, sloughs, bayous, and marsh outlets which are navigable in fact and which are located within the reservation; lakes which are partly within this reservation are included to the extent of the shoreline within the reservation.
Reservation waters or “Waters” means all the waters, surface and groundwater, arising upon, occurring within or under, or flowing through the Flathead Indian Reservation, including, without limitation, geothermal waters, irrigation return flows, diffuse surface water, and sewage or industrial effluent, and waters diverted from off-Reservation sources by the United States and serving lands through the Flathead Indian Irrigation Project. [the definition I deleted (“Reservation Land”) is identical to definition 15 and thus unnecessary, and I have made modifications in the text above and below to account for the deletion of this defined term without – I hope and intend – any change to the substance of those provisions where this defined term had been used; separately, this definition also illustrates again that we are going to need to hammer out a mechanism – likely in the Compact – for how the WMB will interface with the existing off-reservation regulatory framework.]

Examples of Reservation waters in a sentence

  • Outstanding Tribal Water Resources -Restricted: In Reservation waters classified as restricted discharge areas, or OTWR-Restricted, actions resulting in a lowering of water quality cannot occur unless an antidegradation demonstration has been completed pursuant to the requirements listed below.

  • These in-situ water rights allow for the Tribe’s continued traditional activities on Reservation waters, which require protecting the upstream habitat upon which the Tribe’s fishery depends.

  • Regular measurement of water quality parameters is required to accurately evaluate ambient conditions of Reservation waters and to determine whether these conditions comply with Lummi Nation Water Quality Standards.

  • The nutrient assessment tools are derived from data which reflects the natural condition of Reservation waters and represent a direct measure of the support for aquatic life use designations for Grand Portage lakes, rivers, and wetlands.

  • For purposes of ALPO, “aquatic lands” means all Reservation waters below the mean annual high water mark or within a wetland.

  • In 1966 Congress authorized the construction of Warm Springs National Fish Hatchery (NFH) in order to enhance anadromous fish runs in Reservation waters and meet the future needs of the resource as well as those of the Tribe.

  • Reservation waters shall be free from substances in concentrations or combinations that would adversely alter the structure and function of aquatic communities, as defined by the un-impacted natural condition.

  • Reservation waters not listed in the Table 4 are closed to non-member fishing.Table 4.

  • The Compact set forth a “Tribal Water Right” — i.e., “the right of the Crow Tribe, including any Tribal member” — to divert, use, and store certain Reservation waters.

  • To evaluate Johnson and Johnson’s conclusions and the scientific validity and protectiveness of the 300 µS/cm benchmark for Reservation waters, the Band subsequently requested that Susan Cormier of EPA’s Office of Research and Development review the Johnson and Johnson Report.

More Definitions of Reservation waters

Reservation waters or “Waters” means all the waters, surface and groundwater, arising upon, occurring within or under, or flowing through the Flathead Indian Reservation, including, without limitation, geothermal waters, irrigation return flows, diffuse surface water, and sewage or industrial effluent, and waters diverted from off-Reservation sources by the United States and serving lands through the Flathead Indian Irrigation Project.
Reservation waters means all waters within the exterior boundaries of the Leech Lake Reservation, including but not limited to lakes, ponds, reservoirs, springs, streams, flowages, rivers, wetlands, and any subterranean waters, but the term does not include any pond, reservoir, or facility built solely for reduction or control of pollution or cooling of waters prior to discharge.

Related to Reservation waters

  • Navigable waters ’ means the waters of the United States, including the territorial sea;

  • Reservation System means the Contributor's Reservation Terminal and Reservation System equipment and software, if any.

  • Surface waters means all waters of the state as defined in G.S. 143-212 except underground waters

  • Stormwater management planning area means the geographic area for which a stormwater management planning agency is authorized to prepare stormwater management plans, or a specific portion of that area identified in a stormwater management plan prepared by that agency.

  • Potable water means water which meets the requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 604 for drinking, culinary, and domestic purposes.

  • Water Surface Elevation (WSE means the height, in relation to NAVD 1988, of floods of various magnitudes and frequencies in the floodplains of riverine areas.

  • Fresh water means water, such as tap water, that has not been previously used in a process operation or, if the water has been recycled from a process operation, it has been treated and meets the effluent guidelines for chromium wastewater.

  • Drainage means the movement of water to a place of disposal, whether by way of the natural characteristics of the ground surface or by artificial means;

  • Hot water means water at a temperature of 110°F. or higher.

  • Surface water means all water which is open to the atmosphere and subject to surface runoff.

  • Stormwater management system means any equipment, plants,

  • Stormwater management plan means the set of drawings and other documents that comprise all the information and specifications for the programs, drainage systems, structures, BMPs, concepts and techniques intended to maintain or restore quality and quantity of stormwater runoff to pre-development levels.

  • Dewatering means the removal of water for construction activity. It can be a discharge of appropriated surface or groundwater to dry and/or solidify a construction site. It may require Minnesota Department of Natural Resources permits to be appropriated and if contaminated may require other MPCA permits to be discharged.

  • Testing-the-Waters Communication means any oral or written communication with potential investors undertaken in reliance on Section 5(d) of the Securities Act.

  • Water surface elevation means the height, in relation to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) of 1929, the North American Vertical Datum (NAVD) of 1988, or other datum, where specified, of floods of various magnitudes and frequencies in the floodplains of riverine areas.

  • Transportation project or "project" means any or the

  • Stormwater system means constructed and natural features which function together as a system to collect, convey, channel, hold, inhibit, retain, detain, infiltrate, divert, treat, or filter stormwater. “Stormwater system” includes both public and privately owned features.

  • Mine drainage means any drainage, and any water pumped or siphoned, from an active mining area or a post-mining area. The abbreviation “ml/l” means milliliters per liter.

  • Stormwater runoff means water flow on the surface of the ground or in storm sewers, resulting from precipitation.

  • Project Water means water made available for delivery to the contractors by project conservation facilities and the transportation facilities included in the System.

  • Water user means a person, corporation, or other entity having a right to divert water from the Bear River for beneficial use;

  • Unpolluted water means water of quality equal to or better than the effluent criteria in effect or water that would not cause violation of receiving water quality standards and would not be benefited by discharge to the sanitary sewers and wastewater treatment facilities provided.

  • Receiving waters means the waters of the state into which point and non-point sources flow.

  • Potable means water suitable for drinking by the public.

  • Loading Zone means a parking stall which is set aside for use by commercial vehicles if there is a sign referable to that stall marked ‘Loading Zone’;

  • Ballast water means water with its suspended matter taken on board a ship to control trim, list, draught, stability or stresses of the ship.