Examples of Reservation waters in a sentence
Outstanding Tribal Water Resources -Restricted: In Reservation waters classified as restricted discharge areas, or OTWR-Restricted, actions resulting in a lowering of water quality cannot occur unless an antidegradation demonstration has been completed pursuant to the requirements listed below.
These in-situ water rights allow for the Tribe’s continued traditional activities on Reservation waters, which require protecting the upstream habitat upon which the Tribe’s fishery depends.
Regular measurement of water quality parameters is required to accurately evaluate ambient conditions of Reservation waters and to determine whether these conditions comply with Lummi Nation Water Quality Standards.
The nutrient assessment tools are derived from data which reflects the natural condition of Reservation waters and represent a direct measure of the support for aquatic life use designations for Grand Portage lakes, rivers, and wetlands.
For purposes of ALPO, “aquatic lands” means all Reservation waters below the mean annual high water mark or within a wetland.
In 1966 Congress authorized the construction of Warm Springs National Fish Hatchery (NFH) in order to enhance anadromous fish runs in Reservation waters and meet the future needs of the resource as well as those of the Tribe.
Reservation waters shall be free from substances in concentrations or combinations that would adversely alter the structure and function of aquatic communities, as defined by the un-impacted natural condition.
Reservation waters not listed in the Table 4 are closed to non-member fishing.Table 4.
The Compact set forth a “Tribal Water Right” — i.e., “the right of the Crow Tribe, including any Tribal member” — to divert, use, and store certain Reservation waters.
To evaluate Johnson and Johnson’s conclusions and the scientific validity and protectiveness of the 300 µS/cm benchmark for Reservation waters, the Band subsequently requested that Susan Cormier of EPA’s Office of Research and Development review the Johnson and Johnson Report.