Reserve National definition
Examples of Reserve National in a sentence
Any employee ordered by appropriate military authority into active military service, by reason of his or her membership in the United States Military Reserve, National Guard, or retired reserve components, shall be granted a leave of absence for such duty in accordance with state and federal law.
STATUS (X one)ArmyMarine CorpsNavyCoast GuardAir ForceRegular Active Service Member ReservesActive Reserve National GuardActive Guard Civilianf.
Military Reserve National GuardIf checked, date obligation ends:46.
Are you currently participating in one of the following?Military Reserve National GuardIf checked, date obligation ends:44.
Plan, program, budget, and execute USAR appropriations (that is, reserve pay & allowances, operations & mainte- nance, USAR, military construction, Army Reserve, National Guard Reserve equipment account) to support requirements of the Army Reserve Training Strategy.h. Represent the USAR in the ADLP.
Officers who are members of the Officer Reserve Corps, enlisted Reserve Corps, Naval Reserve, Marine Reserve, National Guard, State Guard, Air Force Reserve, or any other reserve component of the military or naval forces of the United States or the State of Wisconsin shall be granted a leave of absence, if required, to participate in summer encampment training duties.
Military Reserve National Guard If checked, date obligation ends:46.
The Relationship Between US Military Officer Leadership Behaviors and Risk of Sexual Assault of Reserve, National Guard, and Active Component Servicewomen in Nondeployed Locations.
Supply of Medications for Soldiers: A minimum of a 180-day supply of medications for chronic conditions will be dispensed to all deploying Soldiers (Active, Reserve, National Guard).
DD Form 368 is required to enlist any applicant currently under contract with the Reserve component of any branch of the Armed Forces (including the Navy Reserve, National Guard, or Air National Guard).