Examples of Retained Timber Element in a sentence
Without prejudice to the generality of Condition 3.1, the Customer shall be deemed to have taken account in their Bid of all necessary equipment, materials, working methods, Personnel, facilities and any Retained Timber Element and anything else required for the performance of its obligations under the Contract.
The Contract, and any Self-Billing Agreement or credit arrangement which the parties may have agreed separately, are the sole and entire contract between the parties for the purchase and Harvesting of the Products and any Retained Timber Element during the Term, and, save as expressly provided, supersedes all prior negotiations, submissions or undertakings in respect of the Products or any Retained Timber Element.
NRW will have no obligation to pay the Customer for the value of the Retained Timber Element or the cost of their Harvesting and stacking.
Where a Retained Timber Element is specified within the Lot Information, the Customer must Harvest the Retained Timber Element and stack the timber at the roadside at the Stacking Sites identified on the Sales Maps, in accordance with the specifications and timings set out in the Lot Information.
The Customer acknowledges that it had sufficient opportunity during the bidding process relating to the Products and any Retained Timber Element to inspect the Work Site and seek clarification from NRW prior to submitting the Bid.
The Customer shall be responsible for any loss or damage to or caused by the Products and any Retained Timber Element from such date as a result of any act or omission by the Customer or the Customer’s Personnel.
The Customer must Harvest all the Products and any Retained Timber Element from the whole of the Lot.
The risk in the Products and any Retained Timber Element shall pass to the Customer on the Felling Commencement Date.