Collateral Loan means a Senior Secured Loan, a Senior Secured Bond, a First Lien/Last Out Loan or a Second Lien Loan or a Participation Interest in any Senior Secured Loan, First Lien/Last Out Loan or Second Lien Loan that as of the date of acquisition by the Borrower meets each of the following criteria:
Original Collateral Sale Date means 8 December 2020.
Eligible Loan means a Loan offered for sale or substituted by SLM ECFC under a Purchase Agreement which as of the Statistical Cutoff Date, in the case of the Initial Loans, or as of the related Subsequent Cutoff Date, in the case of any Additional Loan or Substituted Loan, is current or not more past due than permitted under such Purchase Agreement in payment of principal or interest and which meets the following criteria as of the Statistical Cutoff Date, in the case of the Initial Loans, or as of the effective date of the related Xxxx of Sale, in the case of any Additional Loan or Substituted Loan: (i) is a Consolidation Loan; (ii) is owned by SLM ECFC and is fully disbursed; (iii) is guaranteed as to principal and interest by the applicable Guarantor to the maximum extent permitted by the Higher Education Act for such Loan; (iv) bears interest at a stated rate of not less than the maximum rate permitted under the Higher Education Act for such Loan; (v) is eligible for the payment of the quarterly special allowance at the full and undiminished rate established under the formula set forth in the Higher Education Act for such Loan; (vi) if not yet in repayment status, is eligible for the payment of interest benefits by the Secretary or, if not so eligible, is a Loan for which interest either is billed quarterly to Borrower or deferred until commencement of the repayment period, in which case such accrued interest is subject to capitalization to the full extent permitted by the applicable Guarantor; (vii) is current or no payment of principal or interest shall be more than 210 days past due as of the Statistical Cutoff Date, in the case of the Initial Loans, or in relation to any Additional Loan or Substituted Loan, the related Subsequent Cutoff Date; (viii) the last disbursement was before the Statistical Cutoff Date, in the case of the Initial Loans, or before the Subsequent Cutoff Date, in the case of any Additional Loan or Substituted Loan; (ix) is supported by the following documentation: 1. loan application, and any supplement thereto, 2. original promissory note and any addendum thereto (or a certified copy thereof if more than one loan is represented by a single promissory note and all loans so represented are not being sold) or the electronic records evidencing the same, 3. evidence of guarantee, 4. any other document and/or record which Funding may be required to retain pursuant to the Higher Education Act, 5. if applicable, payment history (or similar document) including (i) an indication of the Principal Balance and the date through which interest has been paid, each as of the Statistical Cutoff Date, in the case of the Initial Loans, or the related Subsequent Cutoff Date, in the case of any Additional Loan or Substituted Loan, and (ii) an accounting of the allocation of all payments by the Borrower or on the Borrower’s behalf to principal and interest on the Loan, 6. if applicable, documentation which supports periods of current or past deferment or past forbearance, 7. if applicable, a collection history, if the Loan was ever in a delinquent status, including detailed summaries of contacts and including the addresses or telephone numbers used in contacting or attempting to contact Borrower and any endorser and, if required by the Guarantor, copies of all letters and other correspondence relating to due diligence processing, 8. if applicable, evidence of all requests for skip-tracing assistance and current address of Borrower, if located, 9. if applicable, evidence of requests for pre-claims assistance, and evidence that the Borrower’s school(s) have been notified, and 10. if applicable, a record of any event resulting in a change to or confirmation of any data in the Loan file.
Whole Loan As defined in the Introductory Statement.
Mortgage loan originator means any institution which originated a Mortgage Loan for a related Borrower.