Retiring Director definition
Examples of Retiring Director in a sentence
A Retiring Director retains office until the dissolution or adjournment of the meeting at which the Retiring Director retires.
No person (other than a Retiring Director) is eligible for election to the office of Director at any general meeting unless the person or some shareholder intending to nominate the person has given notice in writing signed by the nominee giving consent to the nomination and signifying either candidature for the office or the intention of the shareholder to nominate the nominee.
Each Default Director shall be elected pursuant to Section 4(d) hereof for a term which shall end when the term of the other members of the class of directors to which such Default Director shall be assigned shall end (such Default Director, at the time of the expiration of such Default Director's term, a "Retiring Director").
The following changes to Directors occurred after the year to 31 March 2021: Retiring Director Date ofRetirementNew Appointment Date ofAppointmentNominating BodyMr M Hurwitz 7 May 2021 Ms M Adesida 11 June 2021 TfLMr M Binnington 5 July 2021 Mr T Cunnington 9 July 2021 TfL The table below shows the number of scheduled Trustee Board and Committee meetings attended by each Director listed below, in the year to 31 March 2021, against the total number that they were eligible to attend.
If any such term expires prior to the end of the Default Period, the holders of a majority of the then outstanding Swiss Re Preferred Shares or the Reliance Preferred Shares, or each of them (as the case may be), shall be entitled to designate a successor Default Director (which may again be the Retiring Director).