Examples of Revenue recognised in a sentence
Revenue recognised on policies written through contracts with third parties, such as binding authorities and line slips, is estimated in full at the inception of such contracts and, therefore, this estimate is judgmental.
Revenue recognised in relation to contract liabilitiesThe following table shows how much of the revenue recognised in the current reporting period relates to carried-forward contract liabilities.
Revenue recognised in excess of billing and billing in excess of revenue recognised as per Accounting Standard-7, prescribed by the Companies Act, 1956, have been reflected under 'Other Current Assets' and 'Current Liabilities' respectively in the Balance Sheet.
Revenue recognised from construction contracts: Revenues from construction contracts are determined on the cost-plus basis with reference to the stage of completion.
Revenue recognised in advance of cash being received or an invoice being raised is recognised as accrued income within contract assets and subsequently reclassified to receivables once an invoice is raised.
Revenue recognised over time relates to fixed term maintenance and software contracts and is recognised on a straight-line basis over the life on an agreement.
Revenue recognised by the Group is required to reflect the right of return in its expectation for consideration to be received for a sale.
Revenue recognised under AASB 15 is measured at the amount which the Company expects to receive in consideration for satisfying performance obligations to a customer.
Revenue recognised in relation to these contracts in excess of billing is recognised as a Contract Asset.
Revenue recognised in excess of billing is classified as unbilled revenue.Sale of Goods:Revenue is recognised on delivery/dispatch of goods when the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods have passed to the buyer.