Satisfaction of lien definition

Satisfaction of lien means full payment of a
Satisfaction of lien means full payment of a debt or release of a debtor from a lien by the lienholder.

Examples of Satisfaction of lien in a sentence

  • Satisfaction of lien before maturity.Any lien or mortgage upon property may be satisfied by the mortgagor before the date of maturity by the payment or tender of the full amount which would be due on the date of maturity.

  • Such Notice of Release and Satisfaction of lien may be executed by a designee of the Board.

  • Satisfaction of lien or encumbrance; assignment of obligation by lienholder; civil penalty A.

  • Wh e n any do u b t exis t s a s t o t h e v a lidi t y of a lie n filed wi t h t h e po r t di r ec t o r , h e m ay r e- q u i r e a bo n d o n Cu s t o m s F o r m 301, co n- t a i n i n g t h e bo n d co n di t io n s se t fo r t h i n§ 113.62 of t h is c ha p t e r , t o h old h i m har m less f r o m any li a bili t y w h ic h m ay r es u l t f r o m wi t hh oldi n g t h e r ele a se of t h e m e r c han dise.( h) Satisfaction of lien .

  • Satisfaction of lien prior to sale.--Before any sale pursuant to this section any person claiming a right in the goods may pay the amount necessary to satisfy the lien and the reasonable expenses incurred under this section.

  • In this case, the proximal end may have to be mobilized abdominally and then pulled through into the vagina.

  • Satisfaction of lien from rents profits and income adding tax and insurance premium.

  • In doing so, students will monitor their academic growth and will be encouraged to further their success through the administered assessments.

  • The notice of lien shall attach the Citation and/or Notice of Additional Penalties to which the lien pertains and shall be in the form attached hereto as Form 8 Satisfaction of lien.

  • For the purposes of this chapter:583.4 Satisfaction of lien by sale.583.5 Disposal of proceeds — statement.583.6 Duty of county treasurer — rightof guest.

Related to Satisfaction of lien

  • Satisfaction Certificate means the certificate materially in the form of the document contained in Call Off Schedule 5 (Testing) granted by the Customer when the Supplier has Achieved a Milestone or a Test;

  • Satisfaction shall be a determination, in good faith, made by the Contractor and in accordance with commonly accepted industry standards. If the Contractor, Client, or other responsible party delays in making any payment to the Contractor, from which payment to Subcontractor is to be made, Contractor and its sureties shall have a reasonable time to make payment to Subcontractor. “Reasonable time” shall be determined in relation to relevant circumstances, but shall in no event be less time than required for Contractor, Contractor’s sureties, and Subcontractor to pursue a conclusion to their legal remedies against the Client or other responsible party to obtain payment, including, but not limited to, mechanics’ lien remedies.

  • Conditions Precedent shall have the meaning set forth in Clause 4.2.

  • Condition Satisfaction Date shall have the meaning set forth in Section 7.2.

  • Security Requirements means the requirements regarding the security of Personal Data, as set out in the Data Protection Laws (including, in particular, the seventh data protection principle of the DPA and/ or the measures set out in Article 32(1) of the GDPR (taking due account of the matters described in Article 32(2) of the GDPR)) as applicable;

  • Release Conditions mean the following conditions: (i) Company has received the Executive’s executed Release and (ii) any rescission period applicable to the Executive’s executed Release has expired.

  • Assignment of Agreements means that certain Assignment of Agreements, Licenses, Permits and Contracts, dated as of the date hereof, from Borrower, as assignor, to Lender, as assignee.

  • Limitation of Liability Insert the following Section 15, after Section 14:

  • Escrow Release Conditions has the meaning set forth in the Escrow Agreement.

  • Security Requirement means the amount in Dollars (as certified by the Agent whose certificate shall, in the absence of manifest error, be conclusive and binding on the Borrowers and the Creditors) which is, at any relevant time:

  • Guaranteed asset protection waiver means that term as defined in section 3 of the guaranteed asset protection waiver act.

  • Statement of Requirements means a statement issued by the Authority or any Other Contracting Body detailing its Services Requirement issued in accordance with the Ordering Procedure;

  • Release Condition means the following:

  • Phone/Electronic Transaction Security Procedures means security procedures for Phone/ Electronic Transactions as provided in writing to the Underwriter.

  • Data Security Requirements means the following, in each case to the extent relating to any sensitive or confidential information, or any matters relating to data privacy, protection, or security or the access, collection, use, processing, storage, sharing, distribution, transfer, disclosure, destruction, or disposal of any personally identifiable information: (i) all applicable Laws and any related security breach notification requirements, (ii) the Conveyed Companies’ own respective rules, policies, and procedures, and (iii) Contracts to which the Conveyed Companies are bound.

  • Discharge Monitoring Report or "DMR" means the EPA uniform national form, including any subsequent additions, revisions, or modifications, for the reporting of self-monitoring results by permittees.

  • Breach of Agreement provisions of Section 5(a)(ii) will apply to Party A and will not apply to Party B.

  • Security Documentation means the Security Documentation applicable to the specific Services purchased by Client, as updated from time to time, and as made reasonably available by Securiti.

  • Condition Precedent means a policy term or condition upon which the Insurer's liability under the policy is conditional upon.

  • Discharge of First Lien Obligations shall have the meaning assigned to such term in the Intercreditor Agreement.

  • Conditions of Use means these terms and conditions as may be varied by us from time to time.