Examples of Schools of medicine in a sentence
Department of Health and Human Services: Schools of medicine, dentistry, nursing, and other health-related schools; health care and social service providers and institutions, including “grass-roots” and community services organizations and programs; and preschool and daycare programs.
Schools of medicine, osteopathy, den- tistry, nursing, pharmacy, optometry, podia- try, public health, or allied health professions.
Schools of medicine, osteopathic medicine, den- tistry, public health, nursing, and others are eligible to apply for those grants.
Schools of medicine and university-affiliated hospitals are often resources for both gynecological/urological teaching associates (live models) and medical simulation labs (mechanical models).
Schools of medicine, osteopathic medicine, dentistry, public health, nursing, and others are eligible to apply for an award.
Approved schools are: (1) Schools of medicine holding regular institutional membership in the Association of American Medical Colleges for the year in which the degree was granted.
Schools of medicine, where large numbers of PhDs are educated and work, are faced with the need to adjust to the era of “managed care” with a marked reduction in income from clinical-prac- tice plans that previously contributed substantially to the support of research and training.
Schools of medicine and teaching hospitals already are being challenged to encourage students and residents to choose generalist careers.
RCW 28B.20.305 Schools of medicine, dentistry, and related health services—Purpose.
Schools of medicine and other health professions training programs;b.