Shaken baby syndrome definition

Shaken baby syndrome or “SBS” means a severe form of brain injury that occurs when an infant or young child is shaken or thrown forcibly enough to cause the brain to rebound against his or her skull.
Shaken baby syndrome or "abusive head trauma" means a traumatic injury that is inflicted upon the brain of an infant or young child. The injury can occur during violent shaking, causing the child's head to whip back and forth, the brain to move about, and blood vessels in the skull to stretch and tear.
Shaken baby syndrome means the collection of signs and symptoms resulting from the vigorous shaking of a child who is three years of age or younger. Shaken baby syndrome may result in bleeding inside the child’s head and may cause one or more of the following conditions: irreversible brain damage; blindness, retinal hemorrhage, or eye damage; cerebral palsy; hearing loss; spinal cord injury, including paralysis; seizures; learning disability; central nervous system injury; closed head injury; rib fracture; subdural hematoma; or death. Shaken baby syndrome also includes the symptoms included in the diagnosis code for shaken infant syndrome utilized by Iowa hospitals.

Examples of Shaken baby syndrome in a sentence

  • Characteristics of Case (please tick any that apply) Domestic abuse Alcohol abuse Drug abuse Parental mental health Fabricated illness Shaken baby syndrome CSE / Sexual abuse Parent in care / care leaver Missing Child of teenage parent Guns and Gangs Serious illness Emotional abuse Recent neglect Long standing neglect Physical abuse Self Harm / Suicide Accidental Injury Other features (please specify) ABOUT THE INCIDENT Brief description of the incident triggering the referral, including key dates.

  • Shaken baby syndrome (SBS) and abusive head trauma (AHT) are the constellation of signs and symptoms resulting from violent shaking or shaking and impacting the head of an infant or small child.

  • Shaken baby syndrome is a subset of abusive headtrauma with injuries having the potential to result in death or permanent neurologic disability.

  • Shaken baby syndrome in Canada: clinical characteristics and outcomes of hospital cases.

  • Shaken baby syndrome is a totally pre- ventable form of child abuse that re- sults from a caregiver losing control and shaking a baby, usually an infant who is less than 1 year old.

More Definitions of Shaken baby syndrome

Shaken baby syndrome means signs and symptoms, including, but not limited to, retinal hemorrhages in one or both eyes, subdural hematoma, or brain swelling, resulting from the violent shaking or the shaking and impacting of the head of an infant or small child.
Shaken baby syndrome means a form of abusive head trauma, characterized by a
Shaken baby syndrome or “SBS” means a severe form of brain injury that occurs when
Shaken baby syndrome means the collection of signs and symptoms resulting from the vigorous shaking of a child who is three years of age or younger. Shaken baby syndrome may result in bleeding inside the child’s head and may cause one or more of the following conditions: irreversible brain damage; blindness, retinal hemorrhage, or eye damage; cerebral palsy; hearing loss; spinal cord injury, including paralysis; seizures; learning disability; central nervous system injury; closed head injury; rib fracture; subdural hematoma; or death. Shaken baby syndrome also includes the symptoms included in the diagnosis code for shaken infant syndrome utilized by Iowa hospitals.2. a. The department shall establish a statewide shaken baby syndrome prevention program to educate parents and persons responsible for the care of a child about the dangers to children three years of age or younger caused by shaken baby syndrome and to discuss ways to reduce the syndrome’s risks. The program plan shall allow for voluntary participation by parents and persons responsible for the care of a child.b. The program plan shall describe strategies for preventing shaken baby syndrome by providing education and support to parents and persons responsible for the care of a child and shall identify multimedia resources, written materials, and other resources that can assist in providing the education and support.c. The department shall consult with experts with experience in child abuse prevention, child health, and parent education in developing the program plan.
Shaken baby syndrome o r “SBS” means a severe form of brain injury that occurs when an infant
Shaken baby syndrome means damage to the brain of an infant or young child, including but not limited to swelling that impedes the supply of oxygen to the brain or any degree of brain damage that results from the infant or young child having been forcefully shaken.
Shaken baby syndrome means the collection of signs and symptoms resulting from the vigorous shaking of a child who is age three or younger that may result in bleeding inside the head and may result in any of a number of conditions listed in the bill.