Shaken baby syndrome definition
Examples of Shaken baby syndrome in a sentence
Characteristics of Case (please tick any that apply) Domestic abuse Alcohol abuse Drug abuse Parental mental health Fabricated illness Shaken baby syndrome CSE / Sexual abuse Parent in care / care leaver Missing Child of teenage parent Guns and Gangs Serious illness Emotional abuse Recent neglect Long standing neglect Physical abuse Self Harm / Suicide Accidental Injury Other features (please specify) ABOUT THE INCIDENT Brief description of the incident triggering the referral, including key dates.
Shaken baby syndrome (SBS) and abusive head trauma (AHT) are the constellation of signs and symptoms resulting from violent shaking or shaking and impacting the head of an infant or small child.
Shaken baby syndrome is a subset of abusive headtrauma with injuries having the potential to result in death or permanent neurologic disability.
Shaken baby syndrome in Canada: clinical characteristics and outcomes of hospital cases.
Shaken baby syndrome is a totally pre- ventable form of child abuse that re- sults from a caregiver losing control and shaking a baby, usually an infant who is less than 1 year old.