R-point means a reference point defined for each seat by the manufacturer in relation to the vehicle's structure, as indicated in Annex 6 to Regulation No.94
H-point means the pivot centre of the torso and thigh of the H-point machine when installed in a vehicle seat in accordance with Annex 3. Once determined in accordance with the procedure described in Annex 3, the "H" point is considered fixed in relation to the seat-cushion structure and is considered to move with it when the seat is adjusted in the X direction.
Geothermal energy means energy contained in heat that continuously flows outward from the earth that is used as the sole source of energy to produce electricity.
Natural Gas or “Gas” means wet gas, dry gas, all other gaseous hydrocarbons, and all substances contained therein, including sulphur and helium, which are produced from oil or gas xxxxx, excluding those condensed or extracted liquid hydrocarbons that are liquid at normal temperature and pressure conditions, and including the residue Gas remaining after the condensation or extraction of liquid hydrocarbons from Gas such that any Gas sold under this Agreement shall be of the quality as indicated in Clause 7.
Hydroelectric energy means water used as the sole source of energy to produce electricity.
Meet Point A point, designated by the Parties, at which one Party’s responsibility for service begins and the other Party’s responsibility ends.
Interconnection Point means the point(s) of connection(s) at which the project is connected to the grid i.e. it shall be at 11 / 22 kV bus bar level of substation of MSEDCL.
Electric generating unit means an individual electric generator and its associated plant and apparatus whose electrical output is capable of being separately identified and metered. Emergency Condition shall mean a condition or situation: (1) that in the judgment of the Party making the claim is imminently likely to endanger life or property; or (2) that, in the case of the CAISO, is imminently likely (as determined in a non-discriminatory manner) to cause a material adverse effect on the security of, or damage to, the CAISO Controlled Grid or the electric systems of others to which the CAISO Controlled Grid is directly connected; (3) that, in the case of the Participating TO, is imminently likely (as determined in a non-discriminatory manner) to cause a material adverse effect on the security of, or damage to, the Participating TO’s Transmission System, Participating TO’s Interconnection Facilities, Distribution System, or the electric systems of others to which the Participating TO’s electric system is directly connected; or
Exit Point means a border control post or any other place designated by a Member State where animals, falling within the scope of Regulation (EC) No 1/2005, leave the customs territory of the Union;
Interconnector means a transmission line which crosses or spans a border between Member States for the purpose of connecting the national transmission system of those Member States or a transmission line between a Member State and a third country up to the territory of the Member States or the territorial sea of that Member State;
PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. or "PJM" means the privately-
Focal point means the entity of a Party referred to in Article 5 responsible for receiving and submitting information as provided for in Articles 13 and 16;
Electric generation service means the provision of retail
Asphalt means a dark brown to black cement-like material (solid, semisolid, or liquid in consistency) in which the predominating constituents are bitumens which occur in nature as such or which are obtained as residue in refining petroleum.
Gas means natural gas, manufactured gas, synthetic natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas or propane-air gas, or a mixture of any of them, but does not include a liquefied petroleum gas that is distributed by means other than a pipeline;
Flash point means the lowest temperature of a liquid at which its vapours form a flammable mixture with air;
Electric utility steam generating unit means any steam electric generating unit that is constructed for the purpose of supplying more than one-third of its potential electric output capacity and more than 25 MW electrical output to any utility power distribution system for sale. Any steam supplied to a steam distribution system for the purpose of providing steam to a steam-electric generator that would produce electrical energy for sale is also considered in determining the electrical energy output capacity of the affected facility.
Sailboat means the same as that term is defined in Section 73-18-2.
Pipeline means any pipe, pipes, or pipelines used for the intrastate transportation or transmission of any solid, liquid, or gaseous substance, except water.
Rechargeable Electrical Energy Storage System (REESS) means the rechargeable energy storage system that provides electric energy for electrical propulsion.
Roomer means a person occupying a dwelling unit that lacks a major bathroom or kitchen facility, in a structure where one or more major facilities are used in common by occupants of the dwelling unit and other dwelling units. Major facility in the case of a bathroom means toilet, or either a bath or shower, and in the case of a kitchen means refrigerator, stove or sink.
Greywater means all liquid wastes from showers, baths, sinks, kitchens and domestic washing facilities, but does not include toilet wastes;
Craft distillery means a distillery that pays the reduced
Plumber means a person who has passed a qualifying Trade Test in Plumbing or has been issued with a certificate of proficiency in terms of the Manpower Training Act, 1981 (Act No 56 of 1981) or such other qualification as may be required under national legislation;
Coal means high-grade, medium-grade and low-grade category A and B coal within the meaning of the international codification system for coal established by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe and clarified in the Council decision of 10 December 2010 on State aid to facilitate the closure of uncompetitive coal mines;
Useful thermal energy means, with regard to a cogeneration unit, thermal energy that is: