Specialty crop definition

Specialty crop means fruits and vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits, and nursery crops (including floriculture).
Specialty crop means a fruit, vegetable, tree
Specialty crop means all other crops not listed as a general crop.

Examples of Specialty crop in a sentence

  • Specialty crop growers and food processors are the primary beneficiary of the IR-4 Project by having legal access to effective pest management products, but the general public also benefits by having a safe, healthy, and reasonably priced food supply.

  • Specialty crop areas shall be given the highest priority for protection, followed by Canada Land Inventory Class 1, 2, and 3 lands, and any associated Class 4 through 7 lands within the prime agricultural area, in this order of priority.

  • Specialty crop products have a particularly high risk of incurring MRL violations because they require extensive pest control measures.

  • Specialty crop representative farm models2 are stochastic simulation models that are used to analyze the impacts of current and changing market conditions and government policies on a number of KOV’s.

  • Specialty crop designations for example may provide certain protection for the agricultural lands, but the smaller parcel size may also make it easier to purchase for non-agricultural uses as well, such as for an estate or retirement property.

More Definitions of Specialty crop

Specialty crop means all other crops not listed as a general crop, including but not limited to melons, sod farm or seed corn.
Specialty crop means a fruit, vegetable, tree nut, dried fruit, or nursery crop, including floriculture.
Specialty crop means fruit and vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits, and nursery crops (including floriculture).
Specialty crop means a crop other than a normal Kansas field crop. This term shall include turf grass, trees, vegetables, ornamentals, and other similar crops.
Specialty crop means any agricultural crop, except wheat, feed
Specialty crop means fruits and vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits, hor- ticulture and nursery crops (including floriculture).7 CFR Ch. XI (1–1–18 Edition)
Specialty crop means a fruit, vegetable, tree 1-49 nut, dried fruit, or nursery crop, including floriculture.